Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1011: Is Mr. Ji different from before?

Ye Shengge sighed silently in his heart.

Just after the sigh, the sound of the door being closed suddenly came from behind.

Ye Shengge looked back in surprise and saw the man striding towards her.

"What's wrong?" She opened her eyes wide.

Ji Shiting soon came to her side, grabbed her waist, and met the woman's surprised eyes, he raised an eyebrow: "I'll send you."

Ye Shengge felt a little warm in his heart, but he still had to be hypocritical: "It's just a few steps without this."

If the corners of her mouth did not curl up, Ji Shiting might believe it.

Fortunately, he reacted in time.

Ji Shiting silently recorded this in his heart.

The corner of his lips hooked up: "Let's go."


In the past three years, Ye Shengge’s focus has been on TS, but Shang Tianyi will still regularly report the progress of the studio with her, and the resources of TS Group are inclined, with the help of Hua Yaoming secretly, Shi Sheng Studio has developed in recent years Fast and fast, the hottest fresh flowers in the circle are all held by Shang Tianyi in one hand. So Shang Tianyi has recently been called the Spring Breeze.

He thought that Ye Shengge hadn't come for a long time, so after seeing that the appointment time was about to come, Shang Tianyi went downstairs to pick himself up, fearing that the company's employees wouldn't recognize people and neglected the boss.

But Shang Tianyi didn't expect him to wait for the big boss.

Seeing the moment when Ji Shiting approached, the tension and fear buried deep in his bones made Shang Tian straighten his back.

Because he is a man, even if he knows that he is gay, Big Boss has never been used to him. Now that T.S is back in the hands of Big Boss, he has to look at Big Boss's eyes and act. Shang Tianyi feels bitter.

This time, however, the unexpected coldness did not appear, and the boss just gave him a slight glance.

Ye Shengge also saw Shang Tianyi, she smiled and waved at him, and then turned to look at the man next to him: "Tianyi came to pick me up, you go to the company."

"Okay, remember to wait for my call."

"Yeah." Ye Shengge nodded, staring at him without blinking.

However, Ji Shiting did not understand the meaning this time. He rubbed her hair, smiled, and turned away.

Ye Shengge looked at the man's back, sighed silently again in his heart, and even couldn't help but sneered a bit.

Perhaps to prove something, her demands on him may be more demanding than before.

Probably because he still has a fantasy, so he always hopes that this man will care about her in various details, even if these details do not actually affect their lives. This is also a ridiculous obsession.

After ridicule, his eyes suddenly sour.

To make matters worse, Shang Tianyi suddenly made a sentence at this time: "How do I think Mr. Ji is different from before?"

Ye Shengge was so embarrassed that she wanted to kill. She shouted back on the spot: "What's different! Are you blind!"

Shang Tianyi looked at the expression of neuropathy: "What's wrong with you?"

Ye Shengge bit her lip depressedly: "It's nothing, let's go in.... By the way, what did you plan for Li Yinan?"

"Hey, I'm worried!" Shang Tianyi talked about it and gritted his teeth, "That picture is too real! Even if I say to them that they are in love, it's useless! After all, Qiao Sishao is famous, who would think He is serious? Moreover, even just falling in love is a huge damage to the image of Yinian."

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