Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1018: Dad listens to mom

Ye Shengge looked at his silent and cold profile, and his heart suddenly hurt.

Every time she shakes, this man will give her an illusion as if she is important to him.

If she is really important to him, how could he not love her?

At this time, Achen in the back seat suddenly said: "Mom and Dad, my sister and I want to sleep with you tonight."

Ye Shengge hasn't had time to speak yet, Ji Shiting has coldly refused: "No."

"Why?" Qinger asked disappointedly.

Ye Shengge was not happy, she thought that the two children had not slept with them yet.

"Mom said yes." Ye Shengge glared at him. "Dad listens to his mother, doesn't it, dad?"

The car happened to meet a red light, and Ji Shiting glanced at her sideways, his eyes a little deep.

Ye Shengge knew exactly what he meant. Because of this, she didn't want him to succeed.

Does this man really plan to pull her to roll the bed every night?

"Dad, mom is right!" The two little guys were anxious.

Ji Shi Ting throat knot rolled, and finally nodded: "Well, your mother is right, my father listens to my mother."

"Yeah!" the two cheered.

Ye Shengge is also very satisfied, she has established her authority in front of the two little guys.

That night, the couple took their sons and daughters to take a bath, but to tell them the task of telling bedtime stories, Ye Shengge threw it to Ji Shiting without hesitation.

The man held a beautiful and thick fairy tale book and calmly told them an adventure story. As a result, his tone was unsurprised and caused dissatisfaction between the two.

"Dad, you shouldn't read that way here."

"It's still pretty good for my mother."

The two were wronged.

Ye Shengge, as an actor, doesn't need to say the line skills, she can even give different characters different voices and sounds. Therefore, the two children liked to listen to Ye Shengge telling stories, and were very dissatisfied with Ji Shiting's narration without much fluctuation.

Ye Shengge is reading the script and receives someone's seemingly asking for help. She smiles in misfortune.

"You have to read it with feelings, and your voice must be calm and frustrating."

Ji Shiting slowly breathed out, and suddenly closed the fairy tale book with a snap.

"It's better that Dad teaches you how to read now, then you can read it by yourself."

The two looked at each other, and then shook their heads together. It would be as clever as you would be: "Dad, we are sleepy, let's not listen to the story."

Ji Shiting is satisfied: "Good."

He covered the quilt for the two and looked up at Ye Shengge: "You should sleep too, eh?"

Ye Shengge had to put down the script in her hand, walked over, and then she was about to lie down, but Ji Shiting grabbed her waist.

The man lifted her face and leaned over to give her a long, deep kiss.

When he let go of her, their breath was very disordered, and Ye Shengge was annoyed. After all, the two children were lying behind him.

Ji Shiting suddenly smiled dumbly: "I will compensate you tomorrow night."

Ye Sheng tried to kick him kickingly, but he avoided him.

Suddenly laughter came from behind.

Ye Shengge quickly turned around, only to find that the two children were peeking through their fingers, and after being caught, they pretended to sleep again.

Ye Shengge had to look at the culprit angrily: "It's all to blame you!"

"Well, blame me." The man picked her up directly on the bed and smiled slightly, "Go to sleep."

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