Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1020: If I was really cheating

Ji Shiting tightened his arms, his eyes deepened.

Ye Shengge suddenly felt funny. She hugged his neck and whispered: "If I am really derailed, what are you going to do?"

The man's black eyes stared at her, his voice very hoarse: "Will you?"

"Not necessarily." Ye Sheng said ambiguously, still smiling, "After all, when filming, I have to get along with the actors for several months. Who knows what will happen."

Ji Shiting's lips tightened, and his breathing gradually became heavy.

Ye Shengge stared at him without fear, she was a little curious about his reaction.

However, Ji Shiting didn't say anything, he directly took her face and kissed it deeply.

Ye Shengge froze for a moment, but did not refuse. Until the man separated her legs and her burning body was close to her, she suddenly opened her eyes and pushed her hard with both hands against his chest.

Ji Shiting simply grabbed her waist outside her hands and continued to kiss her deeply until he felt her power loosened before he let go of her lips.

The man is messy and his voice is dumb: "After feeding you, do you have no intention of derailing?"

Ye Shengge blushed, "I closed the camera, can you still look at me every day?"

"Then it's not allowed to shoot!" he ordered in a mute voice.

"You said that as long as I am happy, I can do anything, don't you forget?" Ye Shengge snorted. "And, if I don't film, I can only turn around you and two children. I will definitely make trouble with you every day. Are you sure you can bear it?"

Ji Shiting said without hesitation: "Don't shoot this, shoot something else."

"Any play has a hero." Ye Shengge blinked. "If I have this idea, you can't stop me."

"Ye Shengge!" His voice finally got a little angry.

"You're angry." She moved her face away with some curiosity.

Ji Shiting gave her a deep look: "I am angry, are you happy?"

"Yes." She confessed with a smile.

She just didn't want to see him who was too calm and casual, as long as she could see more of his emotional response, even if she was angry, she would feel much better.

This was the first time in a few days that he had really shown his anger.

"So, it's just a joke, right?" The man stared at her with black eyes.

"I don't know..." Ye Shengge said with a smile, and the whole person got closer. "Are you jealous? Imagine me being with other men, would you not stand it?"

His throat slipped, and he nodded without hesitation: "Yes."

Ye Shengge didn't speak for a moment, she blinked and suddenly put her hand on his chest.

The man's heartbeat is still steady.

"That's just your possessiveness. You think I belong to you, so I don't allow others to get fingered." Ye Shengge sighed and pressed his face in his arms.

Ji Shiting caught her hand, and suddenly a sentence came out: "If you have to say this... I have no such possessiveness towards others."

Ye Shengge opened his mouth and wanted to say something. The man leaned over again and blocked her lips.

The kiss was deeper. Before Ye Shengge suffocated, he finally let go of her and kissed her neck instead.

In the process, the man's burning big hands had lifted her nightdress.

Ye Shengge was soft and unable to struggle until she saw two pairs of curious and ignorant eyes.

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