Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1022: Don't be noisy, I'm chasing her

After half an hour, the couple finally washed and came downstairs to have breakfast with the two little guys.

During the period, Qinger expressed that he wanted to continue sleeping with his parents, but was sternly rejected by Ji Ting.

She had to look at Ye Shengge pitifully.

Ye Shengge thought for a while and promised that the two children could sleep with them one day a week.

The two little guys were satisfied, and Ji Shiting gave her a deep look, and finally expressed no objection.

After breakfast, Ji Shiting went to the company, Ye Shengge continued to watch the script.

In the afternoon she arrived on time for the audition.

The audition took place in Xu Xiangjie's own production company. The drama "Qing Tian Xia" was invested by him and another media crocodile, so he has a great say. After all, it was her first audition after her comeback. Shang Tianyi deliberately took the time to accompany her. However, after the two met at the destination, Ye Shengge found Shang Tianyi's face resented.

"What's wrong?" Ye Shengge asked curiously.

"Do you only go online once a day?" Shang Tianyi gave her a look.

Ye Shengge immediately took out her mobile phone and logged in to Weibo. It didn't take long for her to understand the whole story.

No wonder Shang Tianyi is so angry. Li Yinian was photographed together with Qiao Yanze. It wasn't counted by netizens. She was supposed to record the show that night, but was pushed by her under the pretext of physical discomfort. Now netizens believe that Li Yinian is to approach Qiao Yanze. The recording of the program was pushed away. Suddenly, tidal current, negative dedication, money worship, hypocrisy and other negative evaluation tide generally came to her.

"Blame me." Ye Shengge sighed. "If it wasn't to accompany me, she would not temporarily cancel the recording of the show."

"The company paid a certain price for the program team to clarify on Weibo, but the results were limited. Now we can only take one step at a time." Shang Tianyi snorted, "After all, the culprit is Qiao Yanze!"

It has only been a day since the incident, and Qiao Yanze is still quiet. Ye Shengge doesn't know what he intends to do.

At this moment, Xu Xiangjie came out of the company and greeted her with a smile. Others may not know, but Xu Xiangjie knows that Ye Shengge is Mrs. Ji, how dare he neglect.

Ye Shengge and Shang Tianyi immediately put away the topic and greeted Xu Xiangjie with a smile.

The audition also went well. Perhaps it was because she had been CEO for three years at T.S. She was used to saying one thing, so this role was not difficult for her. Xu Xiangjie was very satisfied and immediately decided: "As long as there is no accident, this character is yours!"

Ye Shengge smiled slightly: "Thank you."

Then Shang Tianyi and Xu Xiangjie finalized Ye Shengge's remuneration, and agreed to sign the contract time, the two left.

"Twenty million yuan in pay, it's not bad. It's just that for you, it doesn't make much sense to pay more." Shang Tianyi smiled at her with a smile. "If I'm right, you now have at least ten people in the net worth. Count it?"

Ye Shengge froze for a moment. She hadn't really calculated her own net worth, but she knew it was by no means a small amount. If one day she separated from Ji Shiting, she would also leave with a huge amount of property, so she wouldn't suffer.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt very funny, but the sadness in her heart became more and more heavy.

At this moment, Shang Tianyi suddenly shouted: "I'm going! What happened to Qiao Yanze... "Don't quarrel, I'm chasing her." What does he want to do?"

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