Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1024: Laozi confessed to someone for the first time

After receiving Shang Tianyi's call, her heart was a gimmick.

Shang Tianyi told her on the phone not to take care of this, but when she didn't see it, Li Yinian got off, but after hanging up the phone, she was a little sad.

Qiao Yanze does this, isn't he afraid that his family will see it?

In the past, no matter what the two of them had contacted, the Qiao family would not care, but now it is different. Qiao Yanze is equal to showing his love in front of everyone, and the elders of the Qiao family can't ignore them.

Li Yinian's only luck was that he didn't name her.

She exhaled slowly, calming herself down.

Perhaps this is also a good thing.

She even hoped that Qiao's parents would come forward and put pressure on Qiao Yanze to retreat.

I’m afraid that Qiao Yanze’s pressure is not on Qiao Yanze, but on her...

Thinking of this, Li Yinian smiled bitterly.

Just then, her phone rang again.

Qiao Yanze.

Li Yinian hesitated for a moment, but still picked it up.

"Why are you shutting me down?" The man's voice was a straightforward questioning tone. "Now I have become everyone's laughing stock!"

Li Yinian froze for a moment and reacted.

She calmly said, "My account is in the hands of God."

"So that's it! I knew it was a good thing the dead guy did!" Qiao Yanze turned angry immediately, "Follow me again quickly and say you just slipped your hands."

"No." Li Yinian refused without hesitation. "The meaning of God's will is what I mean."

"Li Yinian!" He was furious. "Laozi confessed for the first time, do you want to embarrass me?"

"You just delete it." Li Yinian said quietly, "Or you can post another Weibo to explain that you weren't referring to me at all. After all, you didn't name the surname."

Qiao Yanze sneered: "No named surname?"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap.

Li Yinian suddenly had a very bad hunch, she immediately clicked on Weibo, and tossed it for a while before logging in. As a result, a new Weibo post by Qiao Yanze was swiped out of the hit.

He reposted the one he just sent. In the repost, Aite gave her a violent expression: Take the pass? Is this your statement? But I will not give up!

Finally matched with a proud expression.

Li Yinian bit his lip tightly, and suddenly his heart burst into tears.

She hesitated for a while and finally clicked into the comment.

"Cry! Husband, are you serious?"

"I was a little touched...I always thought that Qiao Yanze was the kind of high-cold person, but I didn't expect him to have such a faceless and skinless... this is true love!"

"Qiao Yanze! I am not your goddess!"

"Li Yinian quickly promised him! Where can I find such a good man!"

"Four young, Li Yinian doesn't like you, I like you, look at me!"


Tens of thousands of comments, Li Yinian couldn't finish it. She glanced a few times and quickly quit Weibo, but her mood is still difficult to calm down.

The WeChat ding ding kept ringing. She has also made some friends in the entertainment industry in recent years. These people are estimated to come to Weibo after seeing Weibo, but Li Yinian didn't even open WeChat.

Qiao Yanze's call came again.

Li Yinian gritted his teeth and picked them up: "Qiao Yanze, do you think this is fun?"

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