Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 105: That's your home

First, "Mrs. Ji" and "Married couple", Ye Shengge was smashed by these two words.

This is how she reacted. They are already married. She is the man's serious wife and protected by law.

Realizing this, her face suddenly turned red.

She slapped herself quickly, yuck, how blushing she was.

Ji Shiting glanced at her small movements, a glance of undetectable smile flickering under her eyes.

"However, if I move in, will it affect you..." Ye Shengge finally recovered and continued to ask.

"That's your home, too." Ji Shiting's tone was very weak. "I lived in Qianfan Villa for a few years, and I haven't bothered to arrange it. In the afternoon, you and Uncle Jin can go and tell Uncle Jin any way you want to remodel."

Her home...

The man spit out the word so easily, but Ye Shengge froze for a while.

When she and Mu Yanhuai signed a marriage contract, she had always fantasized about what their future home would look like, but in the end, Mu Yanhuai crushed her fantasy with practical actions.

She thought it would be difficult for her to find a man who was willing to form a family with her, but in just over ten days, her dream was realized so dramatically.

And this man is still Ji Shiting.

She suddenly had the urge to cry.

It's really no good.

She couldn't help but look at the man's profile. Although they hadn't known each other for a short time, and although their marriage started in a somewhat absurd way, she felt that the marriage would not last long, but she still couldn't help expecting it.

Of course, Ji Shiting felt her gaze. Even if he couldn't see it, it was enough to figure out how the black-and-white eyes were stunned...

There was a rush of heat in my heart without warning.

"Turn over and look at the front." Ji Shiting suddenly muttered in silence.


"Obey." He frowned.

Ye Shengge returned his gaze unclearly, and couldn't help mumbling: "You can't look at it..."

Her touch lasted no more than ten seconds and was interrupted by the man. What does it mean for the newlywed husband not to allow her to see him? She thought angrily.

Ji Shiting heard her mumble, and held the steering wheel tightly.

This idiot.


The car arrived at the old house in half an hour.

Ye Shengge untied the seat belt and got off the bus, but found that Ji Shiting was standing by the car waiting for her, and his eyes were dull.

"Let's go in... um!" Before she finished, the man suddenly approached, grabbed her waist, and kissed her lips heavily.

The man's kissing skills have become more and more adept, he easily penetrated into her mouth, swept around in a wanton way, relieved the sudden heat in his heart, and then let her go, stroked her red lips, satisfied Leng snorted.

"Go in." Grabbing her wrist, she dragged her inside.

"Ji Shi Ting..." Ye Shengge's complexion turned red afterwards, "What do you mean?"

On the way to the Civil Affairs Bureau, he also kissed her!

Hasn't he always disgusted her? He hadn't done anything so intimate to her except when he was emotional.

"Huh?" Ji Shiting glanced at her with a slight mocking look, as if mocking her fuss.

"No, nothing..." Ye Shengge drummed his cheeks.

I don’t know if it’s her illusion, I always feel that this man’s attitude towards her has changed subtly.

Disapproval is still disgusting, but it has turned into a stern and stern disdain.

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