Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 112: She offended him fiercely

Ye Shengge returned to the room for a while, and there was still a little restlessness.

Ji Shiting's last smile kept appearing in her mind, and when she thought about it, she shivered once.

Always feel...she offended him fiercely...

However, it is not normal for him to rest for two days to recuperate and rejuvenate... Shouldn't she say this? He himself agreed that he would take a few days off.

Ye Shengge couldn't think of the result for a long time, and annoyed and threw himself on the bed.

Forget it, sleep and sleep, all fell asleep and tossed up again, she will read the script tomorrow.

After two days, it was the power-on ceremony, and then she was about to shoot in the group. She temporarily ignored the mood of Shi Jiting.

That being said, but she didn't sleep very well that night.

Waking up in the morning, she yawned to wash, and once again looked at the birthmark on the face in the mirror.

The birthmark is now about a third smaller than it was at the beginning, and she is confident that she will get the birthmark completely before the first filming.

Even just for this birthmark, she would also like to thank Ji Shiting.

Still have to find a way to sleep him.

make a fist!

She cheered herself up, and then went downstairs for breakfast. When she asked her sister Xiu, Sure enough, Ji Shiting had already left.

Ye Shengge didn't care, she returned to the room after breakfast and continued to study the script.

It was almost noon, and she suddenly remembered that she had not looked at her cell phone all day and night.

So she quickly found the phone in the bag, but the phone turned off automatically because of no power.

She quickly recharged the phone and turned it on. Sure enough, a large amount of information was rushing in, but Mu Yanhuai was the most frequent caller.

She ignored it and turned down, and found that Shang Tianyi had many phone calls.

Ye Shengge immediately called back.

"God, are you looking for me?"

"My grandma." Shang Tianyi said angrily, "Where have you been fooling around, why haven't you often answered the phone lately?"

Ye Shengge said a little guilty: "I will watch the script in silence..."

"The thing we discussed before, do you remember?" Shang Tian's tone was a little anxious. "I let Wen Kexin, the artist you brought before me, take the lead and tentatively submitted an application for an appointment with Mr. Mu. Mr. Mu directly rejected it. There is no room for negotiation. Wen Kexin is just a newcomer, and his style is very similar to Mu Xiaoya. Mu Xiaoya had always wanted to kick her away, but now Wen Kexin takes the initiative to leave, Mr. Mu actually refused."

Ye Shengge immediately sat up straight: "You mean, Mu Yanhuai may be aware of our plan?"

"Yes. He is still spreading news that T.S wants to invest in the company." Shang Tianyi snorted coldly. "And, there are still a lot of black materials on the Internet about your unspoken rules."

"Okay, I know." Ye Shengge pursed her lips.

She remembered the dinner at the Ji family that day. Mu Yanhuai did not seem to give up. In addition, the equity transfer of 20 million yuan, he has not hit her account so far.

Ye Shengge sneered and closed the script.

She will finish the calculation of her business account in one lump today. The emotional account will slowly be calculated with him.


In order to be unobtrusive, Ye Shengge did not ask the driver of the villa to send her, but went directly to Xingyi.

On the way, she called Mu Yanhuai. After the call was connected, she dropped the sentence "See you in half an hour" and hung up quickly.

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