Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 116: Prepare him a surprise

"Sheng Song!" Mu Yanhuai was very angry.

"In this case, it's easy to handle." Zhou Yandong smiled, "Mr. Mu, as long as you pay the share transfer money to Miss Ye, Xing Yi is yours. TS will only change after Xing Yi's shareholding structure changes. Rest assured to inject capital."

Mu Yanhuai's face was struggling, obviously unwilling.

Mu Xiaoya was very happy: "Brother, you can transfer the money to her, otherwise T.S's investment will be ruined!"

Between keeping Ye Shengge and T.S investment, Mu Yanhuai can only choose the latter.

He gloomy and called the bank on the spot.

Ten minutes later, Ye Shengge's account increased by 20 million.

She smiled all over her face: "Thank you, President Mu, the agreement between us has officially come into effect, and Xing Yi will be yours alone in the future!"

Mu Yanhuai looked at her and sneered.

Zhou Yandong smiled quietly: "Now it's better. President Mu, it's not too early today. I have other work and the details of the cooperation. Let's make an appointment to discuss it again."

Mu Yanhuai's complexion changed, but he didn't expect it to happen again: "Vice President Zhou, we have already discussed about half of it."

"Sorry, I really have urgent work." Zhou Yandong smiled gently, "I'm out of company."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left. Mu Yanhuai was helpless even though he was unwilling.

Suddenly a bad hunch surged in his heart. Why did Vice President Zhou's words change after he transferred the money to Ye Shengge?

No, no, it must be that he thinks too much! Vice President Zhou said that he would make an appointment with him again.

He discarded this idea and said to everyone: "You see, although the contract has not been signed, the cooperation between Xingyi and T.S is already a thing of the past."

Of course Mu Xiaoya and others were excited.

However, Shang Tianyi gave Ye Shengge a meaningful look, and it was determined that the cooperation between Xingyi and T.S could not be successful.

Ye Shengge stood up: "From now on, Xing Yi's life and death have nothing to do with me. Take care."

Said to leave.

Mu Yanhuai's face sank, and he was about to stop him, who knew Shang Tianyi stood up and blocked his way.

Shang Tianyi took out the resignation application he had prepared and handed it to Mu Yanhuai. He smiled and said, "Mr. Mu, the world is so big, I want to see it."

"You..." Mu Yanhuai suddenly changed color.

There are three heavyweight agents of Xingyi, and one Ye Shengge has left. Is Shang Tianyi leaving now?

What a joke?

Ye Shengge was very happy to see Mu Yanhuai's ugly face.

She took the opportunity to leave the meeting room, leaving Mu Xiaoya's complacent and jealous eyes behind her.


Ye Shengge returned to Qianfan Villa and had lunch.

In the afternoon, she went on to read the script. In the middle, she made a phone call with Xu Dao to discuss the matter of the ceremony of the day after tomorrow.

Dinner was still eaten by her alone. According to Sister Xiu, Ji Shiting's dinners are basically dinners. Every time, he has to meet different people. He is either a partner or a political and business leader. In short, he also works at dinner.

Ye Shengge listened to his ears and couldn't help but think, can he have a good meal like this all the year round?

Perhaps she was aware of her worries, and Sister Xiu suddenly came over and said, "Young lady, would you like to prepare a surprise for the young master?"

"What a surprise?" Ye Shengge froze.

"You'll know when you go back to the room." Xiujie mysterious.

Ye Shengge really gave birth to a little curiosity. She returned to her room, only to find a big red silk pajamas on her bed.

She glared her eyes and opened it, and she was really a **** suspender pajamas!

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