Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1178: Too uncontrolled

Wait until she finishes eating him... It turns out that he was really just talking about eating.

Ye Shengge silently reflected on his impureness.

Ji Shiting put down his chopsticks, took the paper towel passed by Ye Shengge, and wiped the corners of his lips. Seeing her well-behaved look, he moved in his heart and still couldn't resist holding her chin and kissed.

This should have been a gentle kiss in the end, and it was still out of control. I don't know when Ji Ting has picked her up and let her sit on him. Ye Shengge knew that she should refuse, but her lips and tongue were deeply entangled by the man, and the most sensitive parts of her body were held up by him. She still moved involuntarily.

It wasn't until the ringing of the mobile phone that Ye Shengge woke up like a dream, pushing his hands against his chest to push the man's offense.

Ji Shiting sighed and let go of her, breathing quickly and burning, his throat slipped: "You don't have to go to the crew today, eh?"

"No..." she said angrily. "It's so have to go to work, are you going to mess around here all day?"

"Not bad." He buckled her slim waist, his eyes dark.

"Don't." Ye Shengge bit her lip. "I almost forgot. I'm still angry with you about the ring... I won't let you touch me again today. Let go, let me answer the phone."

After being carried in by a man last night, her mobile phone fell on the carpet in the living room, and the voice came from that direction.

When Ji Shiting heard the words "ring", his eyebrows moved slightly, and he lifted the corner of his lips meaningfully, letting his hands loosen her waist.

Ye Shengge couldn't care less about what he was laughing at. She quickly climbed down from him and trot to pick up her phone.

The call was actually from Li Yinian.

She was slightly startled, quickly recovered her breath, and picked it up.

"Yinian, are you back?"

"Huh." Li Yinian's voice was a little hoarse, with a little inexplicable meaning, "I'm in Yuquan Palace, can you come here now? That's what I told you last time... that thing ."

Ye Shengge's eyes widened slightly: "Okay, I'll be here soon."

She hung up the phone and turned back. Ji Shiting came right behind her. The man's face that had been infested with desire had calmed down. As he sorted the cufflinks, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Yinnian, she asked me to go to Yuquan Palace...may be related to Qiao Yanze." Ye Shengge said, biting her lip, "I must hurry."

Ji Shiting raised his eyebrows slightly: "I am with you."


The InterContinental Hotel is not too close to the Yuquan Palace. Ji Shiting opened for almost an hour.

As soon as the car stopped, Ye Shengge saw Li Yinian crouching on the doorstep.

She hurriedly pushed out the door and got out of the car, and ran quickly to Li Yinian.

Probably hearing the footsteps, Li Yinian finally stunned, she looked up and barely squeezed a smile: "You are here."

"What's wrong?" Ye Shengge's tone was a bit worried.

She and Li Yinian have known each other for several years, but she has never seen Li Yinian like this. In the impression, she has always been calm and breezy, even seemingly not eating human fireworks. Even when she talked about the injuries she suffered, she just laughed, as if those things were nothing to her at all.

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