Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 122: It's her, why is she

Ye Shengge was completely panicked this time.

She realized that the man was really angry, and she might have offended his bottom line.

In this case, where would she dare to go, even if there was no effect on her tonight, she had to stay and coax the man, otherwise, with his pride, she might never touch her again.

Thinking of this, Ye Shengge quickly grabbed the safe set next to him and stuttered: "I...I will help you wear..."

But Ji Shiting didn't move, he was still lying on her body, his expression mocking.

Ye Shengge lay down on his body, somewhat helpless. If he didn’t change his posture, how could she help him to wear it... and it was the first time she saw this thing safely, but she didn’t know how to wear it .

But seeing the man's face, she swallowed all her dissatisfaction back.

She gritted her teeth, twisted her body slowly, and rubbed towards the end of the bed. After a while, she shrank into Ji Shiting's arms... Although the man was still wearing clothes, but in the entanglement just now, his The shirt had been completely untied, revealing a large amount of texture. She could bite the little red as long as she opened her mouth. Ye Shengge's eyelashes shuddered, she looked away, and some grievances bulged her cheeks.

Because Ji Shiting left her little space, she could no longer move down.

"Can you... change your posture..." She had no choice but to shake her mouth.

When she spoke, she breathed with heat and sprayed on the sensitive parts of the man.

Ji Shiting's breathing was chaotic, and his anger was still transformed into desire, after all, he just wanted to toss this woman to death.

He sneered, looked at her stupid, and finally took the safety kit back from her hand.

Ye Shengge looked relaxed, thinking that he was not going to use it again, but the next second, she saw the man completely opened the package and took out the transparent thing, apparently still planning to wear it.

Ye Shengge was a little disappointed, so he turned his face to the side depressed.

Ji Shiting took a glance at her disappointment, and his anger almost burned his reason.

He looked colder, and when he was ready, he lifted her waist and pushed forward without any mercy.


Ye Shengge felt very painful. She didn't know if it was the same for the first time, but at least when she was conscious, she had never been so painful.

But she didn’t dare to cry or cry. She could only bite her teeth and let it go, letting him dash in her body... Ye Shengge clearly realized how angry he was, and his movements were heavy and heavy. In a hurry, she crashed away, her body kept a posture for a long time, the muscle soreness accumulated a little, but Ji Shiting obviously did not intend to let her go.

She didn't even appease, even a kiss, it was a bite with a punitive meaning, and her tears came out.

When she couldn't help it in the middle, she once murmured like a kitten, but instead of pity, it was heavier.

She had to bite her lips tightly, even if she already had a **** smell in her mouth.

Ji Shiting looked at her as she gritted her teeth, and her eyes were dull.

Of course he felt her resistance and unwillingness, but the more he was, the more angry he was.

No one has ever dared to trample on his dignity in this way, she is the only one.

But it is her, why is she.

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