Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1252: Because you still love him

No, this man will not collapse so easily.

She only hoped that he could stop this, not to dig deeper, nor to investigate. He should be aware of the fact that once the other people in the Qiao family knew, what kind of earthquake would be triggered-not only because of her identity, but also because of the well-known past between her and Qiao Yanze. By then, Qiao Yanze’s brother and sister would never He will miss this opportunity to attack him, and his life may be ruined by this past.

She and Mrs. Qiao bothered to hide for so long, just to avoid such a result.

Qiao Yanze must know the interests, and hope he will not let her down.

For a moment, Li Yinian almost couldn't help but want to call him and tell him, but as soon as the idea emerged, she quickly denied it.

There can never be any more connection between them, absolutely.

"how does it taste?"

Qin Hongyu's voice made her recover from the trance.

She looked up and barely squeezed a smile: "Well, it's delicious."

Qin Hongyu squeezed his lips tightly, and after a few seconds he laughed at himself: "I don't think you tasted anything at all."

"Sorry..." Li Yinian's eyelashes flickered.

"Don't do this, I'm not blaming you..." Qin Hongyu struggled for a few seconds, still said, "You said that day, you won't fall in love with others again, because you still love Qiao Yanze, right?"

Li Yinian's breath was messy for a moment.

She shook her head firmly: "No."

Today, she should never have a relationship between a man and a woman about this man-just thinking about it is enough to make her hate herself.

"Are you happy when you were with me?" Qin Hongyu asked coldly.

Li Yinian froze for a moment and nodded gently: "Of course."

"No." The man smiled disappointedly. "When you were with me, my emotions were very calm. I won't make you sad, but I won't make you happy. Because you have no feelings for me."

Li Yinian was startled and speechless.

"Qiao Yanze...he can make you suffer and make you sad, which means you still have him in your heart." Qin Hongyu asked in a low voice.

"No." She quickly retorted, her voice revealing a weakness, "I am not suffering because I still love him... Hongyu, don't mention him again, please."

"Sorry, I won't say it." Qin Hongyu stopped immediately. He hesitated, and his eyes fell on her bowl. "If you can't eat, don't force yourself. I'll make it for you when you are hungry."

Li Yinian smiled apologetically and slowly put down the chopsticks. She really had no appetite.

"Let's lie down and rest," Qin Hongyu said, holding her shoulder and letting her lie down.

Li Yinian didn't refuse, she wrapped the blanket tightly and trapped herself in the soft sofa, as if only in this way she could get a moment of tranquility.

Qin Hongyu looked at her with her eyes closed, her breathing messy.

This woman is indeed a stunner, even if there is no blood on her face at this time, there is still a thrilling beauty, deadly deadly, like the dense needles hidden in cotton, when you react, it has been because This beautiful and **** death.

Qin Hongyu felt that he was in a state of bleeding without knowing at this time.

He is so, Qiao Yanze may be more serious than him.

So even if Qiao Yanze seemed to have given up, he still felt a sense of crisis.

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