Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1257: telepathy

6.30pm Vienna time.

Li Yinian went to the supermarket to buy a la carte after class, and when he came back, he went straight into the kitchen and started cooking dinner.

While chopping vegetables, her heart suddenly throbbed inexplicably. This sudden heartbeat made her suddenly lost her mind and accidentally made a cut on her finger.

She quickly put down the kitchen knife and drew a tissue to cover the wound.

The wound was not deep, so she didn't feel pain. It was just that the throb of her heart hadn't faded. It seemed that something extremely bad was happening, which made her feel restless.

This strange feeling even reminded her of telepathy, but just as soon as the thought came to her mind, she couldn't help laughing.

Qin Hongyu entered the house at this time.

He was on duty in the afternoon, so he came back later than usual. He didn't find Li Yinian's figure in the living room. He went directly to the kitchen.

"I guess you are here, let me do it... what's wrong!" Qin Hongyu saw her figure and immediately laughed, just finished speaking, he suddenly realized that it was wrong.

Then his eyes fell on Li Yinian's index finger holding the tissue, and red blood stains penetrated the tissue.

His face changed, strode in front of her, grabbed her hand, and asked distressedly: "Cut it? Hasn't you stopped cooking and waited until I came back?"

"Anyway, I'm fine..." Li Yinian reluctantly responded, still feeling a little uneasy.

But in Qin Hongyu's eyes, she thought she was hurt by the wound.

"Come on, you sit and rest first, I'll get you a medicine chest." Qin Hongyu said decisively and pulled her out of the kitchen.

Li Yinian did not refuse.

After she sat on the sofa, the man immediately turned around to find the medicine cabinet, and Li Yinian's eyes turned and landed on his mobile phone.

She unconsciously picked up the phone with the uninjured hand and clicked on Weibo to take a look-no, no news, Qiao Yanze is a public figure after all, if he had something wrong, the media could not have any news .

At this time all her social tools are also quiet, no text messages and no phone calls.

Sure enough, she was worried.

Li Yinian felt a little ridiculous. One inexplicable heart palpitation made her worry about the man's safety. It was indeed a little ridiculous.

After a while, Qin Hongyu came with a medicine chest and took her hand to disinfect her.

She was a little funny: "How can it be so serious?"

"Be careful, the kitchen knife is exposed to so many bacteria every day, what if you get tetanus?" Qin Hongyu said seriously, "I am a doctor, you should listen to me."

Li Yinian had to go with him.

When Qin Hongyu bandaged her, Li Yinian's eyes fell on his face.

He is indeed a very good man, with a handsome appearance, a successful career, a gentle and meticulous personality, and a lot of patience. Most importantly, he respects her very much. Although Qin Hongyu would enter and leave her home almost every day, he must voluntarily say goodbye at night, never leaving Li Yinian embarrassed.

This is a very safe man. Li Yinian believes that if she can accept him, her future life will be very calm and warm.

But that was only the case, and she still had no way of feeling emotional about him. What they do together is lack of passion.

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