Li Yinian gently closed his eyes, allowing the tears to slip from the corners of his eyes.

She gently raised the man's hand and pressed her chin against it. His hands are still warm, and this temperature seems to give her more power.

"That day... after you guessed the truth, I never dared to look at you. I was afraid to see disgust and embarrassment on your face." She said with a smile suddenly, "I have refused to tell you the truth, There may also be some reasons for this. At least in your heart, there is still a memory between us. It is a pity..."

Speaking of which, she choked again.

The clock on the wall made a ticking sound, and Li Yinian spoke again after the second hand had gone a dozen times.

"Oh, let me tell you a secret. In fact, the appearance of the child was not an accident. It was my hands and feet..." She opened her eyes and looked at his quiet sleeping face. "You must have thought of it."

For a moment, Li Yinian hoped that there would be a so-called miracle, but the man still did not respond to her.

Fear is like a giant beast, lurking in her heart, swallowing all her strength.

She sobbed low, and said again: "You have asked me so many times, whether I love you or not..."

As she spoke, she leaned over gently and pressed her face to his chest.

But her words came to an abrupt halt at this time-because the man's heartbeat was so intense.

She felt cold in her heart, and subconsciously thought he was in danger. At that moment, she was almost scared to speak. She could only stand up instinctively and wanted to go out and call the doctor.

The next second, a powerful big hand suddenly caught her wrist and pulled it hard.

She stumbled involuntarily and fell sturdily on the man.

Her pupils instantly enlarged, watching the man raise the hand that was still dripping, taking off the oxygen mask and exhaling for a long time.

"You haven't finished speaking yet, where do you want to run." He opened his eyes and stared at her with black eyes, although his face was still pale, but he didn't see the slightest weakness, his lips even slightly raised, A smile appeared.

Li Yinian's heart was beating wildly, and it took a while for his voice to be hoarse: "You... woke up? No, you are not in a coma at all?"

Even if he really happens to wake up, it is impossible to react so quickly unless he is sober from the beginning.

No wonder his heart was beating so fast. Obviously she listened to everything she said.

He has been pretending!

"It's been a while, I heard that you are coming, I'm afraid you know that I woke up and left when I woke up, so I had to do something." Grabbing her wrist firmly, the other arm clasped her waist.

Li Yinian stared at him with his eyes wide open, and he didn't even know how to react for a while.

Was he surprised and excited because he woke up, or was angry because of his deception, watching the man's eyes grow deeper and deeper, her anger still prevailed after all.

"You let me go!" Her face quickly turned red, and she couldn't help struggling.

However, her movements were slightly larger, and Qiao Yanze showed a painful expression, and her eyebrows were tightened fiercely.

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