Ji Shiting took the hands of two children, and then looked at Li Yinian: "Have you seen him?"

Li Yinian's eyes were low, and she nodded: "He's not a big deal...yeah, Chairman Qiao is inside."

Ji Shiting nodded slightly, not surprisingly.

"I will take them in and see." He said to Ye Shengge in this sentence, "You and Li Yinian go back to Qianfan Villa first."

"Okay." Ye Shengge reassured, "The hospital has a lot of bacteria... Don't let them touch anything, and you must wash your hands and disinfect immediately after you come out."

"Got it." He squeezed her face smirking and leaned over to pick up the two children before he went to the hospital.

Ye Shengge presented the back of the father and son who left, and then smiled and walked to hold Li Yinian's hand: "Go, let's go back first."

"Wait, I still have a companion." Li Yinian remembered that he had forgotten Qin Hongyu, "He went to the roadside to call a car."

As he was saying, Qin Hongyu came over from the road: "Yinian, let's go... Hey!"

Qin Hongyu was also surprised when he saw Ye Shengge.

Ye Shengge's eyes looked up and down at him vigorously, and then looked at Li Yinian again, his eyes a little more meaningful.

Li Yinian was slightly embarrassed: "This is Qin Hongyu, a friend of mine."

"Well, friend." Ye Shengge nodded clearly, "I understand."

Li Yinian bit her lip, but she felt helpless for a while.

Qin Hongyu had recovered his composure. He smiled calmly and said, "Miss Ye...No, it should be Mrs. Ji. It's an honor to meet you, and Ienian and I are currently friends."


Ye Shengge immediately understood in seconds, she said with a smile: "Yinian stays in my house tonight, do you want to come together?"


Half an hour later, Qianfan Villa welcomed the hostess and two guests.

Qin Hongyu was a little uncomfortable when he first set foot in Qianfan Villa, but he knew very well that he must not show timidity at this time. He knew that Li Yinian’s contacts were much higher than him. Not worthy of her.

Thinking of this, he quickly recovered his composure.

Ye Shengge saw his changes in his eyes, and his evaluation of Qin Hongyu was a little higher

Especially Qin Hongyu quickly avoided the excuse to go to the bathroom and gave them a chance to talk alone.

"Yinian!" Ye Shengge's eyes were bright, "I have to say, this doctor Qin is very good, very good, I think he is more suitable for you than Qiao Yanze!"

Li Yinian was stunned and shook his head with a wry smile. "Actually I was planning to break up with him... No, it was not a breakup. We were not together, just trying... But now I realize that I can't delay him time."

"Because Qiao Yanze?" Ye Shengge blinked. "When I called you last night, the situation was deliberately made worse... Did you realize that you still care about him? Uh... although I I think Dr. Qin is more suitable for you, but after all, your preference is more important."

I learned that Qiao Yanze was taken to the hospital last night, and she moved her heart at once. So, in this way, Li Yinian came to her, could it be that she inadvertently assisted?

Li Yinian shook her head, and she smiled abruptly, "I and him... are absolutely impossible."

Ye Shengge thought for a while: "In this case, why don't you try to open your heart and accept Dr. Qin?"

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