Qiao Yanze's expression did not change, and his dark eyes stared at her momentarily, without the slightest waves.

Only the deformed cigarette **** pinched by his fingertips revealed his emotions.

After a while, he suddenly smiled lowly: "Do you want to know the result of the identification?"

Li Yinian looked at the ground, his voice was mechanical and empty: "You better not to identify....If it is found, even if you don't care, it's a storm. ... There is no need for this, and it doesn't make any sense."

"It doesn't make any sense?" Qiao Yanze's tone was a little indescribable. "So, the fact that we were together didn't make any sense to you? I thought that if we had no blood relationship, you wouldn't have to feel ashamed at least. "

Li Yinian's eyes were hot and he bit his lips hard, but he didn't refute.

She suddenly discovered that at this moment she didn't even know how to face this man. His words were pulling her fragile nerve, making her just want to escape, far away.

She thought, maybe Qiao Yanze was right.

Too much sacrifice and tolerance have exhausted her strength. Maybe she still cares about him, but she has no idea how to love him.

"Qiao Yanze." She finally whispered, "Our past is not a shame for me. Regardless of the result, I am very grateful to you, and I am very thankful... Without you, I might still be in a cage. Canary, just..."

Speaking of which, she bit her lips tightly, trying to restrain her throat sore.

It's just... make a difference.

Qiao Yanze looked at her quietly for a long time.

He suddenly walked towards her.

Li Yinian's eye twitched slightly, after all, he still restrained the urge to escape, stiffened his body and allowed him to stand in front of himself, and then...

He reached out and wrapped her in his arms.

This hug is firm enough, but warm enough, without any ambiguous ingredients.

The bitterness at the bottom of the heart almost drowned her in an instant. She closed her eyes and let the tears run wild.

She was surprised that her feelings hadn't been closed completely. It turned out that she still felt unwilling and unwilling, but...

But what about that.

Perhaps only with such a purely comforting embrace can she indulge herself to rely on and obtain.

Qiao Yanze put his hand on her back, but restrained the urge to caress her.

There was also a hint of redness in the man's eyes. His breathing was heavy and he was slow to suppress it.

She barely cried, but the wetness on her shoulder made Qiao Yanze know that she was crying.

Qiao Yanze let go of her slightly, reaching for her face.

The woman put her face awkwardly and seemed to not want him to see his fragile appearance, but Qiao Yanze approached her, her thin lips pressed down and the distance between her lips became closer and closer.

Her pupils widened in an instant, not knowing whether to push him away, but fortunately, he did not kiss her, but stopped on her lips.

But the distance was ambiguous enough. The man's black eyes stared at her, heavy and slow breath sprayed on her face, and the burning temperature almost seemed to penetrate from her skin and burned to the bottom of her heart.

"Joe..." As soon as she spoke a word, the man pressed a finger against the lips with a finger.

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