Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1312: "Let's talk back to the room, it's cold outside."

She wasn't of any prominent origin, but when she first married Qiao Fengnian, she was also in love, but how quickly the passion subsided, she was just pregnant, and the man could not wait to be derailed.

Over the years, in order to maintain this marriage, she has been enduring, how much bitter water mixed with blood and tears swallowed her stomach. The reason why she hated Wen Yan so much might be because she was the first woman to threaten her identity as the main palace. At that time she hated it, because this position is almost her only thing left!

But that woman still wants to rob her!

She thought she hated that woman, but why was that woman dead, and her hatred had never been comforted?

Because...the roots are never on that woman. She knows, she actually knows it all the time, but she refuses to face it. Because she was so afraid of her husband's disgusted and dissatisfied eyes that she never even asked a question.

But for so many years, in addition to Mrs. Joe's title and countless jewelry and costumes, what else does she have?

In the end, even the most distressed son was separated from her.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Joe almost collapsed, and the whole person shivered.

Qiao Yanze had nothing, just filled the water in the glass silently and pushed it in front of her.

This move may have given Mrs. Joe some hope.

She grabbed the cup violently and said tremblingly, "Yanze, your father will not agree that you are not married..."

"He doesn't agree and there is no way." Qiao Yanze laughed hoarsely. "Don't you understand, after I have assumed office, you and your father have no way to restrain me. Can I be re-elected after five years, the right to decide It is also only in the hands of the board of directors and shareholders. If the father is unwell at that time, in order to maintain the Qiao family’s right to speak on the board of directors, the father will even transfer most of his shares to me."

If the shares under Qiao Fengnian's name are divided equally, it is likely to further weaken the control of the Qiao family on Feng Qiao, which is why the Qiao family's internal fighting is so serious-the winner wins everything.

Mrs. Qiao seemed to be able to cry at any time: "Yanze, I was wrong, I should have confessed to you at the beginning. I just...too hate, so I lose my mind. Mom can apologize to Li Yinian, we Give her money, enough money, there is always a way for her to forgive me... but you should not punish yourself in this way."

"Are you really willing to apologize to Yinian?" Qiao Yanze said dumbly.

Mrs. Qiao choked at once.

Qiao Yanze sneered, and picked up the phone and quickly dialed a call: "I will let the housekeeper take you back."

Soon the housekeeper pushed in.

Mrs. Qiao whimpered, after all, she could only follow the butler three times and left the room.

Qiao Yanze never looked at her again. He looked silently at some void, motionless, like a sculpture.

Until the room was completely quiet.

He slowly got up from the sofa, walked over and opened the curtains, and saw Li Yinian sitting in the root of the balcony wall.

Qiao Yanze's throat knot slipped, after all, he walked up to her, leaned over, and gently held her wrist.

"Let's talk back to the room, it's cold outside."

The dumb voice of the man poured into her ears with the night wind, almost giving her a gentle and careful illusion.

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