Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1315: This touch is enough to ignite a man's long-dead passion

Not to mention letting go of hatred, how can it be so simple.

Of course she hates. At first, if Mrs. Qiao told the truth, with her heart, she would never continue to entangle Qiao Yanze, but Mrs. Qiao cut off her hope in the cruelest way.

Even her biological mother died in Mrs. Joe's hands. She didn't really feel too deeply about this, after all, she had no impression of the biological mother, but this does not mean that she would not care.

Perhaps it was too long for her silence, Qiao Yanze couldn't help saying again: "If you still need time..."

"No, that's enough." She interrupted his words softly, her eyes falling on his face.

Qiao Yanze pursed his lips, probably got the answer from her tone and expression. The man's face looked abnormally cold.

Li Yinian's lips moved, and he couldn't even speak for a while.

"You still decided to maintain the status quo, right?" Qiao Yanze finished what she wanted to say for her.

Li Yinian felt that his eyes were hotter.

She nodded gently: "But... I can admit that I have loved you generously."

Qiao Yanze gave an unexplained smile, his hand inserted into her long hair, silent for a long time, he spit out a word: "Okay."

Li Yinian slowly clenched his hands.

"I should go." He seemed to exhale a long breath, and then urged, "You rest early in the evening, don't forget to record tomorrow morning."

Li Yinian only nodded indiscriminately.

She felt the man withdraw his hand, quickly stood up, turned and walked out, and the footsteps clearly fell into her ears.

The sound of the man's footsteps drifted away, pulling her nerves a little, as if he were also away from her life.

She raised her head violently and shouted out of control: "Qiao Yanze!"

Qiao Yanze's back suddenly stopped, and after two seconds he turned around, and black eyes stared at her: "What's wrong?"

The voice has a deliberately suppressed calm.

Li Yinian was a little flustered for a while, and she could only ask without asking anything: "Are you saying... are all true? That is... never get married and have children..."

The men's black eyes seemed a bit darker.

"Fake." His voice hardly fluctuated. "When I meet the woman I like, I will still marry her."

However, Li Yinian had an urge to cry.

If he still insisted that he would not get married, then maybe she would think that this is his way of retreating, just to soften her heart. But he denied it, it seemed to just let her feel at ease, still so calm to almost numb tone.

Looking at his beautiful and cold face, Li Yinian only felt a mess in her mind, and only one thought kept flashing in her mind.

This was not the result she wanted, she couldn't ruin him...

By the time she responded, she had got up from the sofa and walked in front of him, and the eyes of the man were the darkened pupils enlarged by shock.

Qiao Yanze's expression was tight, and his voice also had a deliberately tight sense of tension: "Yin Nian..."

Before the words fell, the woman climbed up on his shoulder and leaned her head on his chin—perhaps she had intended to kiss him, but the kiss was not successful.

However, this touch was enough to ignite the man's long-dead enthusiasm. He put her arm around her waist and lifted her face with one hand. The thin lips pressed down and kissed her lips heavily.

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