Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1336: An unforgettable nightmare

She gasped, "Yan Xun! Are you crazy?" After a second she suddenly realized, her face paled a little bit, "No wonder you persuaded me to meet her, and specially arranged another bodyguard for me...but Where did this girl offend you?"

"She didn't offend me, but my good brother offended me." Qiao Yanxun's smile was a little frantic, "Mom, you said I worked so hard for so many years, why do you and Dad like Qiao Yanze better? Where did I do badly? "

"What are you talking about? I like you a few..." Mrs. Qiao grinned reluctantly, "Yan Xun, have something to say, put away the gun..."

Mrs. Joe was trembling at this time. Although she was confident that Qiao Yanxun would never aim the gun at her, but in case of an accident, she might become a dead ghost!

"Mom, don't lie to me." He chuckled. "Your favorite son is Yan Ze. If it wasn't your encouragement, he might not be involved..."

"Yan Xun, there is no such thing!" Mrs. Qiao couldn't help but refute, "What's more, even if the group president is your brother, but you are not bad! Your father did not say that the business you were in charge of will still be in the future. In your hand! It’s too much to take risks just for the sake of a president’s seat! You at least think about your daughter-in-law Rong Rong and Chen Chen! He is so young!"

As soon as Mrs. Qiao's voice fell, Qiao Yanxun's face was even more distorted.

"Rongrong... She wanted to divorce me because I failed." Qiao Yanxun's voice was hoarse and painful. "Just because I failed to become the president of the group, I became a useless man in her eyes! She said that she married me that year, not for the title of the wife of a small branch general manager!"

Mrs. Qiao was taken aback. Qiao Yanxun didn't mention it, so she didn't know. No wonder the daughter-in-law and grandson didn't come back that day.

"Then... that's the divorce, and such a woman is not worth the nostalgia." She was a little angry. "What kind of things can't be found on your terms? But Chen Chen has to stay and can't let him take it away!"

"I don't want another woman, I just want Rongrong." Qiao Yanxun said with red eyes, "Mom, if you really feel bad for me, help me get that seat back! Besides, he has a quarrel with you for this woman, let How does his superiority benefit you?"

With that said, he shot the gun in his hand again and scared Mrs. Joe's face pale.

Li Yinian didn't cough until this time: "Do you want to threaten him with me?"

At first she did not know Qiao Yanxun's identity, so she never acted rashly.

"Yes." Qiao Yanxun chuckled. "My brother is also a kind of love. For you, he will definitely give up."

"However, this seat was selected by the board of directors. Even if he resigns, the position of president will not fall on your head." Li Yinian said quietly, but his voice was hoarse.

"Then it depends on how important you are to her." Qiao Yanxun chuckled. "My good brother is so smart, I can definitely think of enough ways to push me up."

"But this can't be done in a moment and a half..."

"In that case, my gun may not listen to you." Qiao Yanxun sneered, "I can't mind giving him an unforgettable nightmare without getting that seat!"

Li Yixin sank.

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