Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1338: You really are amazing

In fact, she was not afraid of death, but she couldn't die in front of Qiao Yanze. In that case, it was too cruel to him.

"Big Brother!" However, Qiao Yanze couldn't see this scene, his voice was a little more hoarse, "If you don't believe it, you can immediately ask your assistant to check your account, this part of the shares is not a minority, with these shares , You are the majority shareholder of Feng Qiao."

"Where do you come from so much money?" Qiao Yanxun's tone is a little weird. "Although a few years ago, Dad also gave you a little share to let you enter the board of directors, but the share of the share is not much at all. You also got some salary in Huayao in those years."

Qiao Yanze paused, and finally gave up: "Investment. I played stocks when I was a teenager to earn the first pot of gold. Later I did venture capital. I was lucky to make some money, but all the money I made was invested by me. Project, so there is not much cash in hand now, if you need it, I can transfer it to you all."

Qiao Yanxun raised his eyebrows, and his expression became stranger: "How many more?"

Qiao Yanze exhaled slowly: "Hundreds of millions."

"Oh... hundreds of millions are only a small part." The smile on Qiao Yanxun's face grew bigger and bigger. "It seems that my father has read the wrong person. You are really powerful. I also know for the first time today that you did it in private. So much. Mom, look at your little son, it's really amazing! Do you feel proud?"

Mrs. Qiao smiled reluctantly: "You are also my pride! Yan Xun, I went out to play cards with those noble ladies. Everyone especially envied me that I have a son like you, saying that you are capable and considerate. The person your father trusts is actually the same You!"

"In that case, it is enough for you to have me! Why are you still giving birth to them? Obviously I am the eldest son! Feng Qiao should have been inherited by me!" Qiao Yanxun roared, and his red eyes fell on Qiao Yanze, "I I really hate you guys, especially you!"

Mrs. Qiao couldn't help crying: "Yan Xun, you are right, we are sorry for you. At first, your father's method was wrong, wrong..."

Qiao Yanze tightened his lips, breathing heavily, his hands clenched slowly: "Brother, it doesn't matter if you hate me, but Yinnian is innocent, don't hurt her. What are your requirements, I will do it for you."

"Then you do it!" Qiao Yanxun's tone was even more frantic, "You let Rong Rong return! Let Dad's board change his mind, let Dad change his mind!"

Qiao Yanze squeezed his lips tightly, but his eyes fell tightly on the gun.

"You can't do it at all, right?" Qiao Yanxun sneered.

Since he graduated into Feng Qiao, everyone has regarded him as heir. It has been more than ten years in a blink of an eye, but now everything has become empty. People who are used to superiority can't bear this gap at all, and the departure of his wife and children has given him a fatal blow.

Qiao Yanze rolled his throat knot, saying one by one, "If you must take revenge, isn't it more direct to revenge me?"

"Huh..." Qiao Yanxun sneered again. He seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by a cold female voice.

"Do you want Sister Rong Rong to come back to you?"

Qiao Yanxun looked at Li Yinian in surprise: "Do you know Rong Rong?"

"Of course." Li Yinian laughed, "Can I turn around?"

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