Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1340: Because of blood

After a few seconds, he suddenly dropped the gun in his hand and backed away in panic.

Soon Li Yinian knew why Qiao Yanxun suddenly panicked because of blood. When the bright blood spread in front of her eyes, she almost forgot to breathe—

No, this is not true and impossible!

Li Yinian stumbled over and staggered his hands, holding Qiao Yanze in his arms. The pale face of the man no longer had the slightest blood, and he covered his chest with one hand where the blood was still bleeding. Maybe he saw her fear. He coughed hard and calmed down with a smile: "Yinian, don't be afraid... coughing."

Li Yinian could only shake her head desperately, and her huge throat choked her throat, and she couldn't even say a complete word.

"If I could...cough cough...survive..." The man lifted his arms strenuously and took her wrist. "Would you like... Could you..."

Li Yinian nodded vigorously and nodded desperately.

Qiao Yanze couldn't help laughing, then tightened his eyebrows painfully.

Li Yinian's tears finally fell, and even wanted to cry.

She never thought that this man would die, even because of her. why? She really doesn't understand how good she is, and it's worth him to be so brave. Why, why can this man be stupid to this point!

She wanted to speak for help, and wanted Mrs. Joe to call an ambulance, but the great fear had completely grabbed her heart. In tears, she could only look up at Mrs. Qiao for help, and let out a desperate sob.

Mrs. Qiao finally seemed to be recovering, crawling over with her hands and feet.

"Yanze!" she shouted hoarsely, one hand trembling in her pocket to find a mobile phone, and finally found the mobile phone, but because her hand slipped on the ground.

At this time, the bodyguard suddenly rushed in, and they were surprised when they saw the scene inside.

"Save people, save people!" Mrs. Joe shouted at them, "Call an ambulance!"

Several bodyguards looked at each other, and instinctively looked at Qiao Yanxun on the other side. They saw that Qiao Yanxun's expression was dull and did not object, and they rushed over.

"It may be too late to call an ambulance." One of them said decisively, "We will take the four young people to the hospital."

Mrs. Qiao nodded crying.

Li Yinian let the bodyguard hug Qiao Yanze, but she still held the man's hand tightly, and stumbled to keep up with their footsteps.

The party left quickly, leaving only Qiao Yanxun in the small shop.

He seemed to be the only person left in the world.

He lay on the ground for a while, his right hand suddenly lifted hard, touched it, and after searching for a while, he finally found the gun.


An hour later, outside the operating room of the hospital, Mrs. Qiao made phone calls one after another, with a deep cry in her voice.

Li Yinian stood against the wall without any trace of blood on his face. Her hands were clenched tightly, and her nails almost choked blood from her palm.

But no matter how painful the palm of her hand was, it was not comparable to the pain in her heart. It hurt so much that she could not even stand up.

If she knew that there was such a day, she must... If she knew early...

She suddenly shivered, and her aching eyes were once again filled with mist.

At this time, another group of doctors in white coats hurried over and the target appeared to be the operating room.

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