Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1344: Bridesmaids find another

"Yeah." Qiao Fengnian smiled bitterly. "I blame me and gave him too many ambiguous hints and promises...I blame me and I didn't make a decision until now...I killed your big brother, and I was also hurt. You almost..."

Suddenly, Mrs. Qiao pinched him fiercely: "Yes, it was you who caused you! When you were free, you fooled around with the goblin outside, and stayed at home for a few days? How many children have you been with for a few days? ? If you had neglected the teachings of several children, how could you..."

With that, Mrs. Joe cried again.

Qiao Fengnian did not refute, but the bitterness on his face was even heavier.

"Your mother is right, I..." He took a deep breath, "In short, I will give it to you completely in the future, I will not intervene. Chen Chen, I will teach him personally... and Li Yi I know what I’m thinking about. Don’t blame your mother. In the final analysis, it’s my fault."

Qiao Yanze squeezed his lips tightly, and for a long time he said hoarsely, "You take care of your body. Mom, you too."

Mrs. Qiao was so speechless that she nodded frequently.

Qiao Fengnian reached out carefully and tried to wipe her tears, but was pushed away by Mrs. Qiao.

Qiao Fengnian's accused put his hands back and looked at Qiao Yanze: "You take a rest first. We will also be busy with your brother's funeral... In the past few days, let Yinian take care of you here."

Qiao Yanze slightly nodded, looking at the back of his parents, he suddenly closed his eyes.

Since then, the Qiao family can finally calm down. Qiao Yanxun paid the price of his life, and finally got it all.

It's just that the price is too heavy and heavy enough to make him breathless.

His body was still weak, so he was so tired after sober for a while, although he wanted to wait for Li Yinian to walk in and get her most important guarantee to sleep again, but it was a pity that he couldn't hold up his energy.

When he woke up again, he saw Ji Shiting and his wife.

The two sat on the sofa and were talking intimately.

"...All invitations have been sent out? What if someone missed it?"

"Sister Xiu and Uncle Jin, what are you worried about? Just wait to be a bride."

"Is this pre-wedding syndrome..."

Ji Shiting smiled and rubbed her hair, and looked, just in front of Qiao Yanze on the bed.

"He woke up." He raised the corner of his lips.

"Oh! I finally woke up!"

The couple stood up from the sofa and walked to the bed, smiling and admiring his sickness.

Qiao Yanze wrinkled his eyebrows, and there was a rage in his heart.

"Did you come to see me or come to see the joke?"

"Of course I came to visit you!" Ye Shengge's smiling interface, "Do you feel OK?"

"It's not convenient for you to work during the healing, but you just took over Feng Qiao, it was the busiest time." Ji Shiting smiled, "Shall I introduce you some powerful helpers?"

Qiao Yanze said with a cold face: "No need, I can do it. But I may not be able to catch up with your wedding, sorry."

"It doesn't matter if you don't come." Ye Shengge smiled more happily, "Jiannian will do."

"She wants to take care of me." Qiao Yanze sneered. "You still find another bridesmaid."

"Oh, when you say that, I suddenly remembered that I had to find another bridesmaid!" Ye Shengge was greatly annoyed. "Imian is inconvenient now!"

"Inconvenient?" Qiao Yanze raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

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