Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 135: Lose money

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Mu Xiaoya apologized repeatedly, looking at the slit in the dress skirt, her heart burst into joy, but her face was panic, "Sheng Ge, I didn't mean it."

Under the eyes of all eyes, how could Ye Shengge take her?

Mu Xiaoya thought proudly.

This dramatic scene made all the actors on the court show a surprised expression, and Su Han was a sneer that was hard to detect.

The reporters were also stunned and took crazy pictures with the camera. Everyone was waiting for Ye Shengge's reaction.

Ye Shengge just raised her eyebrows, stretched her hand to lift the skirt, covered the gap, and smiled at Mu Xiaoya: "It's okay, I know you didn't mean it. It's just that this dress is worth 150 Ten thousand dollars, I will send the bill to Xingyi."

Her tone was gentle, but what she said was not polite at all.

One and a half million dollars?

Mu Xiaoya's face was slightly distorted. Ye Shengge did not make trouble, but she even looked for her to lose money?

Even if the average star encounters such a situation, he will never mention the money, because that would be considered an economic constraint. So Mu Xiaoya didn't expect Ye Shengge to ask her for money!

"Hurry up." Seeing that Mu Xiaoya's face was not good-looking, the smile on Ye Shengge's face was brighter. "Relax, I will give you a discount."

What else can Mu Xiaoya say? Does it mean she won't lose money?

In the end, she could only apologize and sit down in her seat, her face showing a bit of grievance and fear, as if she was the one bullied by Ye Shengge.

However, the master of ceremonies only saw that the storm subsided smoothly, and the protagonists were already seated. He immediately proceeded to the next link.

However, this event is live.

Countless Mu Xiaoya's diehard fans saw this scene, and they were immediately burnt with anger, swiping the screen on the barrage, embracing Mu Xiaoya.

"What! Is this surnamed Ye too much? Our family Xiaoya apologized, what else would she want?"

"Yes, relying on the unspoken rules, actually dare to bully our family Xiaoya, it's too much, I'm so mad!"

"Isn't it just the boot-up ceremony, even Valentino was wearing it out, huh, huh, for fear that others wouldn't know that she was near a gold master?"

"We Xiaoya have popular acting skills, but we can only match them, so mad!"

"This kind of person is really a cancer in the acting world!"


At the same time, in the T.S Group office, Ji Shiting just ended a video conference and took a sip of coffee.

Seeing the time displayed on his watch, his eyebrows moved.

The boot-up ceremony seems to have begun for a while, and I don't know if the dress has been delivered.

Ji Shiting was annoyed by her attention to her, but the stupid woman was in constant condition once she left his sight...

Thinking of this, Ji Shiting pursed his lips and finally opened the laptop. He quickly searched the live page and clicked in.

At a glance, he saw Ye Shengge sitting in the middle of the stage. The red dress made her beautiful and charming.

She really fits red.

At this moment, she tilted her head slightly and was listening to something. She didn't know what the actor beside her said. She laughed at once, her eyes stunned.

It seems that his coldness did not affect her at all last night.

The fire in Ji Shiting's heart was more intense, he sneered, and was about to close the page, but inadvertently saw the barrage flashing above the screen.

The words are bad, and they are all insulting Ye Shengge.

Ji Shiting's eyes sank.

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