Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 140: I know you will catch me

"Don't move!" he sneered coldly, but his low voice was slightly embarrassed.

Ji Shiting gritted his teeth and couldn't believe his desire was so easily provoked by her. Angrily, he wanted to throw this woman out.

"Oh." Ye Shengge responded obediently, and finally stopped messing around.

She didn't know why. Although her ankle was very painful, she might not be able to make a film tomorrow, but she was happy.

In particular, when I glanced at the man's tight jaws, his heart blossomed.

Perhaps it was because he finally swept away the indifferent look before and had more expression.

Perhaps it is because she discovered that this man actually cares about her.

In this case, she has a way to let him down.


Ji Shiting held her in the car, closed the door, and ordered the driver to go to the hospital.

The man's face had returned to coldness and indifference. Ye Shengge looked at him secretly, and then moved carefully to his side, holding his arm.

Ji Shiting: "..."

He looked down at her coldly: "Is the ankle painless?"

"I didn't move my ankle." She whispered softly, "You are willing to accompany me to the hospital, I'm so happy."

Hearing the words, Ji Shiting breathed out a deep breath, and his handsome face was flat.

Very nice, coquettish, pretending to be miserable, sweet words, she became more and more aware of how to make him soft.

What makes Ji Shiting angry is that even if he knows that these are just the woman's means, he is still **** useful.

"Sit well." He murmured in a low voice.

But for Ye Shengge, as long as he didn't push her away, he was victorious, so he didn't pay any attention to his cold words.

She leaned on his arm and remained motionless until the car arrived at the hospital.

Ji Shiting took her off the car again and sent it directly to the ward.

The experienced old doctor soon straightened her bones.

In the process of bone building, Ye Shengge's painful face was twisted. Ji Shiting stood aside and looked coldly. When she saw her painful teeth and grin, the man even raised the corner of his lips and showed a mocking smile. meaning.

"Resume for the next few days, don't exercise vigorously." The old doctor said with a smile, "Mr. Ji, then I will go out first."

"It's hard." Ji Shiting nodded slightly.

The doctor left quickly, leaving only two of them in the ward.

Yu Sheng was still there, Ye Shengge took a breath, looked at him aggrievedly: "You just laughed at me."

She saw it, he sneered aside when she screamed in pain.

"So?" Ji Shiting glanced at her coldly, and then walked over to help her put the exposed feet into the quilt.

However, waiting for him to get up, Ye Shengge sitting on the bed suddenly rushed over.

"You..." Ji Shiting was forced to catch her, and his voice was very angry. "Ye Shengge, is your brain broken?"

"I know you will catch me." Ye Shengge hugged his waist and smiled broadly, "So I'm not afraid."

Ji Shiting pinched her slender neck and really wanted to strangle her.

He put her back on the bed and coldly ordered: "Release."

"Shi Ting, don't you be angry, okay?" Ye Shengge is certainly impossible to obey, her tone is rare and serious, "I'm sorry, I won't deliberately confuse you again in the future."

Ji Shiting's expression slightly paused, and her dark eyes met her black and white eyes.

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