Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 157: Probably dreaming

Ji Shiting added a budget of 20 million just for her to take a good rest for three days?

After ending the call, Ye Shengge could not come back for a long time.

Should she think that this man is rich and wealthy, or should he feel that being his wife is too happy?

In this way, she will become more and more greedy.

Ye Shengge breathed a sigh of relief, lying in a daze in bed. It wasn't until she received Xu Xiangjie's email that she put away her messy thoughts and opened the attachment for browsing.

She fell asleep unconsciously.

In a daze, she felt that someone helped her to take the phone away and put a kiss on her forehead.

Probably dreaming.


The filming location of "Xue Ning" is in the suburban film and television city, which is only one hour away from the city center. However, in order to facilitate shooting, the staff basically stayed in the crew.

As No.1, Ye Shengge was a newcomer, but she was also able to allocate a separate suite. Assistant Lin Ran arrived yesterday. According to her preferences, she bought a bunch of daily necessities in her room and Ye Shengge was very satisfied. .

After settling in, she came to the dressing room to put on makeup and change costumes. Coincidentally, today her first opponent's scene was with Su Han, and the second scene was with Mu Xiaoya.

After she came to the studio, Su Han was ready and was sitting on a stool in the center of the venue, waiting for her all the time.

Seeing Ye Shengge, she showed a slightly provocative smile. Knowing that Ye Shengge has a backstage, Su Han will not embarrass her on the surface, but the contempt in her heart is heavier, and she intends to give Ye Shengge a chance.

Of course, Ye Shengge can see that she said hello calmly: "Sister Su Han, please advise."

"You're welcome." Su Han smiled and raised his voice, "Director, you can start."

Xu Xiangjie, who was standing behind the camera, said: "Don't you need to drill twice?"

"No," Su Han said quickly, looking at Ye Shengge, "Do you need it?"

This disembarkation is really menacing. It seems that Su Han is very confident in his acting skills.

Ye Shengge smiled: "No need."

Xu Xiangjie reluctantly told the staff to take care of each other. With an "action", Su Han, surrounded by maids, immediately came over from the end of Shizi Road.

"Biography of Xue Ning" tells the legendary story of heroine Xue Ning from ordinary maid to the empress dowager. After the battles in the harem and the power of the former dynasty, her every stage of life is brilliant, so she requires acting. Also extremely high.

This scene is the beginning of Xue Ning's turning point in fate. The favored concubine played by Su Han is getting older and older, and she is about to fall out of favor, but she has no sons. In desperation, she can only recommend a new man to the emperor to fix the pet, if the new man is lucky to give birth to the prince, She took the child to raise herself.

This newcomer needs to be young and beautiful enough to be cowardly and honest. Cheng Wan at this time is worrying about this candidate. Intellectually she knew she had to do this for her second half of life, but emotionally, she instinctively rejected and procrastinated.

Su Han handled these two emotions very well. In a few short steps, she not only showed the pride and strength of being a concubine, but also expressed the anxiety, anxiety, pain, and hesitation of this character.

As she approached, the maidens on both sides who were responsible for sweeping knelt respectfully and kneeled to the ground, among them Xue Ning.

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