Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1603: The photo on the marriage certificate is for a lifetime

To say who Duan Zhe admires most, it must be Miss Jing. Anyway, he started to follow Jiang Yu from the army. It has been several years since I counted it. I have never seen anyone dare to treat his own minister like Ms. Jing. When she feels a little uncomfortable, she slaps her face. Come to some violence.

But my own minister... No, it's because your Excellency the President never seems to be angry, not only is not angry, it seems quite enjoyable.

Now that the minister is already the new president, Miss Jing does not have any convergence. It seems that he has no intention of converging in this life.

Listening to the screams from the back seat, Duan Zhe can only sigh, probably this is the power of love.

Jiang Yu hugged her quickly as soon as the woman threw it. As soon as the woman's hand stretched out, he was easily grasped by him, but the content of Jing Tong's complaint still made him deeply Stunned.

"...What?" He couldn't think of breaking his head. It was this that really made her angry.

"You are so mad at me!" Jing Tong is really mad. "I just packed my luggage and just made a look. I just stuffed a few clothes in. Didn't you find it when you just picked it up? I have all the same cosmetics Without it, what should I do if I take a picture in a while? Ah? Your wedding photo may be shown to the people of the whole country! No, I have to go back and put on makeup first!"

Jing Tong usually draws at least a light makeup to go out, but in the afternoon she and Jiang Yu went to the cemetery to pay homage to her father, not to mention make-up, she didn't even paint her eyebrows, just took such a face to take a wedding photo? Impossible, she did not agree to kill!

The photo on the marriage certificate is for a lifetime!

Jiang Yu's eyebrows twisted deeply.

It was getting dark at this time. If he had not used his privileges, the Civil Affairs Bureau would have closed. If I go back and wait for her makeup to come back, what time will it take?

But in the eyes of women who wish to kill, how dare Jiang Yu say nothing?

"Is it possible to buy cosmetics now? There must be a mall near here. Duan Zhe can buy it now. We will prepare the materials first, and it will take a little time to fill in the form." Jiang Yu said aloudly.

Jing Tong snorted and reached out to Duan Zhe: "Bring your mobile phone, I want the memo page."

Duan Zhe hurriedly followed suit, and then passed the phone. Jing Tong quickly wrote down her commonly used cosmetic brands, and then handed it back: "Show this to the shopping guide, they will take it directly to you."

"Yes, yes!" Duan Zhe responded.

Jing Tong was satisfied, and pushed the man in front of him: "Get off. Fortunately, I brought my ID, otherwise I will get a fart marriage certificate!"

Jiang Yu's eyebrows jumped fiercely, "It's our wedding day anyway, how can you swear?"

"I'm happy!" Jing Tong stared at him.

Jiang Yu closed his mouth consciously.

Most of the time, he thinks that Jing Tong is a woman who gets along very well. Although she has a bad temper, but she has a straight personality, what to say, she doesn’t need Jiang Yu to guess her thoughts, but there are always times when He might have been killed, and he could not understand the brain circuit of this woman.

If you don’t understand it, you can’t understand it.

So Jiang Yu got out of the car and bent over to stretch out her hand.

Jing Tong took his hand up with satisfaction, and the aura was like a Lafayette driving.

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