Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1605: Legal couple

When it came to taking photos, Duan Zhe arrived in time to satisfy Jing Tong.

It took her fifteen minutes to put on her makeup. This time she stood with Jiang Yu, and the difference in face value was not so big.

But Jiang Yu was not interested. After the two sat in front of the camera, the man smiled and brushed her hair: "How come I didn't see any difference?"

"Because you are blind!" Jing Tong murmured politely.

"Yeah, otherwise why did I just fall in love with you?" He spit out this sentence with a light smile.

Jing Tong didn't seem to care, and his face still had a smile on his face, "Don't say it, look at the camera."

Jiang Yu smiled and hugged her waist and faced the camera. Just when the photographer said it was good, he was about to take a picture. He suddenly felt that the woman’s soft little hands pinched his thigh, and then found the right angle. A hard twist——

Jiang Yu suspected that the woman might have studied his weaknesses, otherwise she just pinched at his most sensitive place, and the sharp pain struck. If it was not relying on strong self-control, Jiang Yu almost didn't squeeze.

The photographer looked at the film and hesitated: "If not, please come back."

"I'll take a look first." Jing Tong smiled and walked over, Jiang Yu could only keep up.

In the photo, Jing Tong smiled like a flower, because the smile was too happy and brilliant, it actually gave a stunning feeling. On the contrary, the light smile on Jiang Yu's face was too calm, so he was not accidentally married. The wife captured the limelight.

Jing Tong said with satisfaction, "No, I don't need it anymore. I think this one is very good, just use this one. ... what do you say?"

She asked Jiang Yu with a smile.

The man squeezed her hand and smiled indulgently and helplessly: "Then use this one."

Neither newly-married couple has an opinion, and naturally the photographer will not have an opinion. The photos were quickly delivered and printed, and it was not long before the hot marriage certificate was freshly released.

On the way back, Jing Tong still looked at the photos of the two on the marriage certificate silly.

"Jiang Yu, if you said that someone saw this photo, would you think you were taken to the Civil Affairs Bureau for certification? Actually, you are not happy at all?" she asked him with a smile on her face.

"No, they would think I was so nervous that they couldn't laugh." The man rubbed her hair with a smile.

Jing Tong snorted with satisfaction: "You count."

He sighed softly: "I'm afraid of you."

Not only was the woman careful, she also had a heavy heart for revenge. Jiang Yu's sensible decision to make a joke in the future is okay. In short, the world is big and the wife is the biggest.

Speaking of wife-in-law...

"What did you just call me?" Jiang Yu suddenly raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Jing Tong froze for a moment. "Jiang Yu, otherwise what am I calling you?"

"Change one." Jiang Yu nodded gently with his right hand on his knee and spit out a sentence calmly, "Call her husband."

Jing Tong: "..."

She blushed: "No, it's nasty!"

Jiang Yu lowered her head and took a light bite on her ear. The low voice came into her ears with the heat from her breath: "I shout on the bed at night, and I have no problem."

Jing Tong shrank his neck and pushed away with a red face: "Don't make trouble."

"Huh?" Jiang Yu looked at her with a smile and slowly spit out a sentence, "Did you forget that we are already a legal couple?"

Legal... husband and wife...

Jing Tong seconds understand!

She just wanted to hurry up and settle down. Why did she forget this?

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