Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1609: Where is your rogue?

Jing Tong brushed this comment on Weibo, and he almost vomited blood.

You can't take it long, your family can't take it!

She thought in a bitter way, and simply closed the page.

The mood is worse.

Strangely, obviously they only received the certificate last night, she should be very happy, how could it feel worse than before?

All blame Jiang Yu! Usually a rogue looks, but at a critical moment it looks like a good man... Ah! If she was really unhappy, wouldn’t she be with him at all?

This stupid straight guy!

Jing Tong belly slandered for a while, and was really not in a mood to work. Just then, the phone rang.

The call came from Jiang Yu.

She held the phone and let the phone ring for forty seconds before answering: "Hello?"

"Come down." Jiang Yu's voice smiled a little, "I'll pick you up from get off work."

Eh? Did the sun come out west today?

Jing Tong felt much more comfortable and smiled: "Wait, I'll come right away."

She told the supervisor that she picked up Bao and left early happily. When she got on the bus and saw a rose handed by Jiang Yu, she was in a better mood.

"Wow, it's a rare day today." She took the rose and gathered it to reward him with a kiss on the man's chin. "How do you think of picking me off work?"

Jiang Yu enjoyed her reward very much. He reached out and took the woman to his arms and handed her a plan: "The matter we have received the certificate has been exploded. The public relations side hopes to give a formal announcement as soon as possible. In addition, our Their first appearance, including the wedding, will be arranged by them."

Jing Tong took over the planning book and turned it over. Sure enough, the above details stipulated the timing of their first appearance, which details of the whole wedding ceremony to be announced, how to control the process and so on.

In other words, from now on, because of the particularity of Jiang Yu's identity, the private time that originally belonged to the two of them will have to be made public.

Jing Tong couldn't help but sigh deeply: "It's all for show."

"I'm sorry." Jiang Yu rubbed her hair and smiled, "If you don't like it, then treat these as work. We have another private small wedding, with no more than thirty guests."

This is also a solution.

Jing Tong glanced at him: "Well, just arrange them. Who made my husband the president of a country."

"Oh? What's yours?" Jiang Yu's eyes lit up.

"My... sir." She changed her elegant words, smugly, "I'll call you that in the future, right?"

"So, you are only willing to call her husband in bed, don't you?" He squeezed her face with a smile.

Jing Tong jumped in his heart and said quietly: "Yes."

She thought it was a very obvious hint, but Jiang Yu sighed regretfully.

Jing Tong couldn't help but grind his teeth, he knew sigh, where did your rogue go?

However, no matter how depressed Jingtong was in his heart, the evening was still a very peaceful one. Jiang Yu seemed to make up his mind to be a gentleman, not to mention that, even the intimate moves were much less than before.

But besides that, Jiang Yu was nothing critical of her, even because he was not as busy as he was a few days ago, he was more considerate.

The third day too.

Still on the fourth day.

On the fifth night, Jing Tong couldn't stand it anymore.

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