Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 161: It’s more important to coax your husband

On that day, Mu Xiaoya failed to complete the final play. Those skeptical eyes made her feel like sitting on the needle felt. Before the day, Mu Xiaoya left the crew.

Ye Shengge looked at her back, smiled calmly, and continued his shooting.

After finishing work, she returned to her suite and lay in bed after taking a shower.

Lin Ran gave her a special massage, and Ye Shengge hummed and heard a ringtone on her phone.

She took the phone to her ear and didn't care about the electric display, so she took a "hello" directly.

There was a deep breathing sound from the phone, Ye Shengge was stunned, and suddenly blurted out: "Shi Ting?"

Ji Shiting faintly said, "Why not come back?"

"Ah, did Sister Xiu tell you? I'm not coming back tonight." Ye Shengge explained, "The crew started early and closed late, so I live in the film and television city, so I can rest for a while. The crew is almost half I will take a day off during the month, and I will go back during the rest."

After talking, there was silence on the phone.

Ye Shengge jumped in his heart and quickly added: "I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier."

"It's okay." Ji Shiting's tone was not panic. "You go to bed early and pay attention to safety."

When he finished, he hung up the phone.

Ye Shengge listened to the busy tone from her cell phone and suddenly blessed her soul. When she responded, she had dialed Ji Shiting's phone.

"What else?" Soon, Ji Shiting's cold voice came.

Ye Shengge boldly asked: "Do you want me to go back?"

Ji Shiting hummed coldly: "What do you think?"

"Uh..." Ye Shengge was stunned by his question.

When she responded, Ji Shiting cut off the phone again.

Ye Shengge stared at his eyes, thinking tangledly by his hair. Although Ji Shiting's tone was cold, she always felt that the man still wanted her to be at home.

If he really didn't care, with his character, he wouldn't call her at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Shengge suddenly made up her mind and got up from the bed: "Xiao Ran, ask the driver to prepare, I will go back."

"Ah? It's almost nine o'clock. You will be at the studio tomorrow morning at six o'clock." Lin Ran was surprised.

"I know, I will not be late." Ye Shengge said that he had begun to change clothes.

It's more important to coax your husband, don't be afraid of hard work.


Qianfan Villa.

In the study, Ji Shiting threw the phone aside, his face sinking in water.

He bent his fingers, tapped on the table lightly, and suddenly hummed.

He did not expect this woman to be a closed film shoot.

Speaking of that, she didn't seem to have lived in the villa for many days, but she was suddenly away, and Ji Shiting would feel uncomfortable. Even if she does nothing, just thinking that there are people waiting for him in the room, his feelings will be different.

However, the matter has come to this point, he can't say anything.

The man exhaled slowly and continued to work.

Around ten thirty, he left the study and returned to the bedroom.

Seeing the thin figure lying on the sofa, Ji Shiting's pupils contracted slightly, and for a moment, he almost suspected that he was wrong.

But immediately, the person on the sofa moved. She rolled over and sat up, smiling a big smile at him: "Have you finished your work?"

Ji Shiting squeezed his lips tightly, and his expression was unpretentious. He looked at her condescendingly: "How come you come back?"

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