Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1612: Help me off

Feeling the hot temperature of the man's palm, Jing Tong subconsciously blocked it: "Hey!"

Still panicked with a gasping voice.

Jiang Yu caught her wrist and slowly interlocked her fingers, said hoarsely: "Don't you do it?"

As the saying goes, his jaw is tight, his eyes burning with desire are astonishingly dull, Jing Tong meets his black eyes, and suddenly feels as if he has become some delicious food, ready to be eaten by this man The illusion made her heart contract sharply.

No, you can't admit it!

Jing Tong blushed: "Of course not... I want to say, slow down..."

The man smirked lowly, grabbed her by the waist and turned over.

Circling around!

Jing Tong exclaimed, and the man was already pressed under him.

This posture made her more clearly aware of what would happen next, not to mention so close, the aggression of the man's eyes became more and more intense. She grasped the man's clothes tightly and her voice was tight: "Jiang...Jiang Yu..."

She instinctively wanted to say something to ease the tension in her heart.

The man's eyes deepened a bit, he lowered his head to hold her lips and sucked hard, "What should you call me?"

Jing Tong opened his mouth and did not mean to shout out those two words. His round eyes were covered with mist, with a bit of stubbornness and provocation.

Jiang Yu became more itchy and unbearable.

He licked the corner of his lips and said hoarsely: "There is always a time when you want to call."

This action is dangerous, evil and sexy. Jing Tong couldn't help swallowing his saliva, just about to open his mouth to speak. The man held her lips again. Compared with the deep kiss before, Jiang Yu seemed more patient this time. He sucked her lips again and again, sweeping around the tip of her tongue flexibly. This kiss was not lingering, but it was extraordinarily provocative. Every movement of his made her tremble, and Jingtong gasped for a moment.

Jiang Yu's eyes had been firmly locked on her, and she refused to miss her little response. Jing Tong stared at him more and more blushing. When he evacuated temporarily, she couldn't help but stare at him: "You... you see It's quite skillful..."

Jiang Yu rolled her throat, and slowly bit her chin, her hoarse voice with a suppressed lust: "No way, who makes you a coward."

For this day, he made sufficient preparations, otherwise, if any link is wrong, this woman has a great chance to run away.

Jing Tong's guilty conviction: "I am not..."

Jiang Yu caught her hand and put it on his belt, his eyes very black: "Really? Help me take it off."

Jing Tong's "Yeah" subconsciously withdrew his hand, but the man was holding her firmly.

She couldn't help it, she loosened her belt in her hands, but her eyes looked at the ceiling.

"If you don't take me off, I'll take it off you." The man's low and dangerous voice sounded.

Jing Tong was terrified, and quickly hurried his hands and untied his belt. Then his hands were loosened as if they were burnt: "Okay!"

Jiang Yu stared at her blushing face and smirked. Suddenly she lifted her waist to let her lean on the bedside. Jing Tong was stunned. When he saw the man pulling, his clothes disappeared.

The pure, full-bodied male body reflected in her eyes, Jing Tong's pupils enlarged, his breath was short, and the blush on his face was even worse.

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