Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1619: My performance is particularly outstanding

Qianfan Villa.

Ye Shengge flew home early in the morning from the crew. This time she was filming in a place other than Yangcheng, and she only had one day off. She had to fly back the next day. On a rare rest day, Achen and Qing'er didn't have to go to kindergarten, so she spent two days with her two children. After dinner, Ji Shiting also came back. The couple accompanied the little guy to watch cartoons and enjoyed the rare parent-child time.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Ye Shengge took two children back to the room to coax them to sleep. Ji Shiting still had some work to deal with, so he went to the study, but said that he could get it done within half an hour, but he kept until ten o'clock. Only then back to the room.

At that time, Ye Shengge had already been washed, and the script was dull and boring. There was a bit of resentment in the heart. The two hadn’t seen each other for a long time. The time spent alone was limited. He was still delayed by his work. She fell asleep, but she had to get up early tomorrow morning.

So when she heard footsteps outside, she immediately jumped out of bed and rushed over.

After Ji Shiting opened the door, he was immediately embraced by his daughter-in-law.

He snorted with satisfaction, supported her by her hips, and buried her in the woman's neck to sniff deeply: "Wait a long time?"

The voice is a little dumb.

"Yes." Ye Shengge's tone slightly complained, "I tell you, I have to fall asleep at eleven, you only have half an hour."

Ji Shiting was originally in a good mood and immediately raised her eyebrows when she heard the words: "I knew that I shouldn't have talked so much with Jiang Yu."

"Huh?" Ye Shengge was surprised. "You were just calling Jiang Yu?"

Ji Shi Ting Xinyi Yi Ma yelled, and put the woman down on the bed, he also followed him down, a deep kiss with her lips in it.

However, Ye Shengge’s curiosity has been hooked up, so when the man kissed her, she was also a little absent-minded. When the kiss ended, she immediately gasped and asked: "What are you talking about for so long?"

Ji Shiting kept on his hands, but there was a little more teasing smile in his low voice: "You must not guess the purpose of his phone call."

"Huh?" Ye Shengge died of curiosity. She grabbed the man's unruly hand. "You don't want to sell Guanzi, just talk!"

The man’s interest was interrupted, and he was more dissatisfied with the creators. He sneered: "He asked me how to please the woman."

Ye Shengge's eyes widened in surprise, and then he burst out laughing: "My God... Our Excellency President is really... But I am very strange, your relationship with him is not very good, how can he come ask you?"

"Huh..." Ji Shiting's smile was a little more meaningful. "It must be because you are dead on me, so he thinks that I am particularly prominent in some aspects."

Ye Shengge hugged his neck and heard his face flushed a little: "Cut... your performance was not good at first."

"Huh?" He narrowed his eyes.

"But... you're making rapid progress." Ye Shengge quickly changed his tone, and his tone was sweet and sincere. "So, it must be the reason for this. Jiang Yu called you and really found the right person."

Ji Shiting's eyes dimmed and he kissed again.

However, Ye Shengge shrank away with a smile: "You haven't finished do you tell him?"

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