Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1624: For men, the other way is not enough

When the two men were ready to fall asleep, Jingtong's blush hadn't faded. She leaned on the man's arms and couldn't help but ask, "Have you read any books these days?"

Jiang Yu chuckled, "It's true."

Real-life teaching should be more thorough than book knowledge. The most important thing is that his questions can be pointed at a pinch.

Jiang Yu feels that with the help of this guidance, he can give T.S more preferential policies in the coming year.

"What book, show me chant?" She coughed and asked as casually as possible.

Jiang Yu gave her a meaningful look, and the woman who looked straight was embarrassed.

"Can't I learn well?"

"No need." He smiled dumbly. "I teach you the same."

Jing Tong thought for a while, and asked in a low voice: "Then...we shall be like this after that?

If the life of the husband and wife is like this, she is also very happy.

"I'm afraid you won't be satisfied after a while." He said something.

"Cut... I won't." Jing Tong snorted dismissively, found a comfortable posture in the man's arms, and said lazily, "Sleep."

Jiang Yu rubbed her hair and smiled.


Once things start, they get used to it quickly. At least for Jing Tong, she no longer fears the night, but she starts to look forward to it. In addition, when she was with Jiang Yu, she became more and more open-minded and would not feel ashamed. Sometimes she would take the initiative to speak out how she felt and asked Jiang Yu to adjust.

After all, the two are husband and wife. It is normal to do anything in the room at night.

Jing Tong felt that the newlywed life was really good. It's probably because of the harmony in some aspects. In recent days, her appearance is much better, and she is almost red. One day, Xu Yao came to her department to see her, and she knew everything when she looked at her.

"I'll say that our Excellency President is very powerful!" Xu Yao couldn't help but squeeze her face, "Look at it to moisturize you!"

In front of outsiders, Jing Tong was still a little embarrassed. She clapped Xu Yao's hand and said seriously: "What do you say, I don't understand."

"Oh, don't be so stingy, talk about it!" Xu Yao grinned at her neck, "I never concealed you about your business."

Jing Tong was speechless: "...I didn't ask you."

She is not so interested in the private lives of others, and she does not know why Xu Yao loves gossip about her and Jiang Yu.

"Please! Our Excellency President is not an ordinary person after all!" Xu Yao was pitiful. "You know, my mouth is tight! I never revealed your privacy!"

Jing Tong was really troubled by her, so she had to politely say: "Anyway, okay..."

"Wow... how many times a night is the most time?" Xu Yao continued to ask.

Jing Tong hesitated: "Once?"

"Impossible! I don't believe it!" Xu Yao lived like a brain fan, "You can't slander our President like this!"

"Okay, okay..." Jing Tong simply said, "This is the case. In fact, we have I don't know his limit..."

"Oh!" Xu Yao opened his eyes in surprise. "So you guys have only... once?"

Jing Tong nodded embarrassedly.

"Our Excellency President is absolutely true love for you." Xu Yao sighed, "But it hasn't been this way, you have to know that for men, other ways are not enough..."

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