Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1632: Better than first time

Jiang Cheng couldn't help it: "Why is it not over yet? How long has it been?"

He Xiangjun glanced lightly at him: "Young people, good physical strength, we old guys are naturally inferior. Besides, your son's physical fitness is stronger than the average person."

Jiang Cheng was almost choked to death.


It's been a while since the room was actually over, but Jiang Yu didn't seem to be satisfied yet, there was a tendency to come again.

However, Jing Tong was already sore and sore, he said nothing.

"No..." Her voice was dumb, and she even cried a little, her hands pressed against his shoulder in vain, "I'm going to take a shower..."

Jiang Yu grinned, grabbed her hands, and sucked on her lips in a good mood: "How do you feel?"

Jing Tong blushed and his eyes flickered: "That's it..."

"Huh?" Jiang Yu seemed displeased, and he planned to part her legs down with big hands, so Jing Tong hurried close together.

"Don't you!" She was a little annoyed. "You are very powerful, okay!"

"I ask how you feel." He Shi Shiran said, his eyes still burning.

"Better than the first time..." she said vaguely. "It still hurts a little, mainly because your actions are too fierce... scary to death..."

"Sorry." Although Jiang Yu said so, there was no hint of apology in his voice, and his eyes were somewhat satisfied. "I will continue to work hard next time."

I finally had a serious meal. At this time, his mood was unprecedentedly good, although not enough, but... come to Japan.

Jing Tong glared at him and continued to push him: "Hurry up and let me go..."

Jiang Yu's eyes fell on the woman's shoulders, and her throat rolled again.

Jing Tong's face turned red, and he hurriedly lifted his clothes up: "Asshole..."

Yes, all of her clothes were worn on the body, but it was a disgrace to this man. Jing Tong never knew that what he liked was such a feminine style... but she was not actually this route. Today it just happened to happen. Whoever knew this man suddenly turned into a beast.

Thinking of this, Jing Tong was suddenly upset.

Jiang Yu seemed to perceive something in her eyes. He held her hand and smiled hoarsely: "Aren't you going to wear it like this in the future?"

"Just know it!" She snorted and lifted her chin.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, what you wear is the same in my eyes." His tone was plain, but his eyes were walking around her body quite presumptuously, "I just want to strip."

Jing Tong was ashamed and angry: "If you do this again, you will not be allowed to touch me in the future!"

Jiang Yu smirked, and finally stopped teasing her: "We will go back at night to continue."


Jing Tong came out after taking a bath and found a terrible problem. Her clothes were distorted by Jiang Yu. If you wear them out, I'm afraid He Xiangjun can immediately guess what they were doing.

Changing clothes also has the same effect. Besides, Jiang Yu doesn't have women's clothes.

Jiang Yu had no such worries. This is his room, and he could find a similar set of clothes.

Looking at the well-dressed man, Jing Tong almost wrapped in a bathrobe and became a blowfish.

"I'll take it out and dry clean it for you, just a few minutes." Jiang Yu coaxed her angrily.

Jing Tong reluctantly nodded.

Jiang Yu laughed and walked over to unscrew the door, but he saw the fruit plate on the ground.

"Huh..." The man's calm voice sounded, "Well, I'll go to Mom and get a set of clean clothes for you to change."

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