Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1635: I married Miss Jing Tong

At eight o'clock in the evening, it was the peak period for netizens online. Tens of millions of netizens who followed Jiang Yu suddenly posted a microblog posted by Jiang Yu.

[I am married to Miss Jing Tong, thank you for your concern. 】

The picture is two photos, the first one is the marriage certificate of the two. The photo on the marriage certificate is very clear. The netizens finally saw the true face of Miss Jing Tong for the first time. The appearance will not be evaluated first, at least on the photo, the first Mrs. Yi's smile was extremely bright and very affinity, which made people feel good in her heart. The second picture is also a photo of the two. Jiang Yu still wears a straight and straight picture. Jing Tong held his arm and smiled and put it in his ear as if he was about to whisper. Jiang Yu’s original cold face was because of her The movement is quite soft.

Netizens suddenly boiled.

It turns out that the legendary Miss Jing Tong looks like this... It is not the same as everyone thinks, but one thing has been unanimously approved by everyone: these two are very good!

Probably only the energetic and infectious woman such as Miss Jing Tong can make the always cold and gentle President suddenly tender and romantic.

It's a pity that Ms. Jing Tong's background... But since the President does not mind, the public can only accept such a first lady.

Netizens have expressed their opinions in the comment area.

"Miss Jing Tong looks so young... I am a little bit uncomfortable with such a young first lady."

"Actually, it was announced like this, and there was not even a sentiment. This is not in line with the style of our Excellency President... Is the account taken away by the team again?"

"Wow, bless and bless!"

"Jiang Yu smiles so tenderly only when she is with Miss Jing Tong, or when she mentions Miss Jing Tong..."

"It's so sweet! This pair has temporarily surpassed Ji Shiting and Ye Shengge, becoming the first cp in my mind!"

"Dog food from the highest leader..."


Jing Tong knew that Jiang Yu would announce the marriage and photo of the two at this time, so after dinner, she was restless, and Jiang Yu sent her back to Jiang's house in the afternoon and left again. She has not come back so far. tension.

Therefore, when she returned to the room to wash and lay down on the bed, she had the courage to comment.

But no one criticized her, commented on Yishui'er's blessings, and gave her a positive evaluation. Jing Tong couldn't help but wonder if there was a navy, but this is not Jiang Yu's, it should be Jiang Yu. I mentioned her from time to time on Weibo, so netizens are predominant and already have a good impression of her?

Thinking that she couldn't help raising her lips and turning down, she didn't expect that most of the comments asked them to broadcast the wedding.

"When is the wedding! I want to watch the live broadcast, I want to watch the live broadcast!"

"I want to watch the live broadcast! The big guys will satisfy our desire! Don't be like the wedding of Ji Shiting and Ye Shengge, just a few photos..."

"Not long ago, the wedding of King M was broadcast live worldwide, live broadcast worldwide! Your Excellency President cannot lose!"

"The value of our Excellency the President is much higher than that of the prince next door who is about to thank Xie Ding! The wedding must be beautiful! Can't lose +1!

"Our first lady is also more beautiful than the princess next door! Can't lose +2!"

"Can't lose + ID card number!"


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