Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1637: Sex makes you stunned

The masculine scorching hot, Jing Tong trembling, could not help hiding.

"Don't try to seduce me!" she said very steadfastly. "In short, you have no chance this week, give up!"

But if you give up so easily, it is not Jiang Yu.

The man's hand, which had originally fallen on her waist, suddenly moved upwards and fell accurately on her chest.

"The size doesn't matter, the important thing is fit." He sighed into her ears, and his mute voice was very serious at first glance, "I like this feeling of first-hand control."

Jing Tong's face turned red and he pushed his wrist in dissatisfaction: "Late! You have offended me!"

"Really not?" His voice was a bit muted.

Jing Tong is very firm: "No! I am very principled!"

The man's dark eyes looked at her for a while, and finally he sighed regretfully: "Then go to bed early, I won't disturb you."

After finishing his speech, he let go of her and would get out of bed when he turned over.

Jing Tong's eyes widened in surprise, looking at the man's back still a little bit unrecoverable.

...What do you mean? Angry? Just because she refused to let him do what he wanted, so he wanted to sleep with her?

"Jiang Yu!" She couldn't help it anymore, both angry and wronged, "Where are you going?"

Jiang Yu stopped and looked back at her. His face looked normal, and he did not show any disappointment or displeasure.

"It's still early, and I will go back to the study room to work." He explained patiently.

"...Oh." Jing Tong said dryly, "Why didn't you just say that you have nothing to do with your work?"

He raised his eyebrows, and then showed a meaningful smile: "If you just agreed, naturally I can push back anything."

Jing Tong choked. To be honest, she remembered the man as a workaholic. Postpone work for private matters? nonexistent!

Sex makes you dizzy, color makes you dizzy...

"Why, did you change your mind?" His voice was muted.

Jing Tong's face was reddish, and he said with integrity, "Of course not!"

Jiang Yu gave a regretful cry and turned to leave again.

"Hello...husband!" Jing Tong's voice also softened. "Since your work can be postponed, it means that it is not a particularly important job. You can talk with me."

Jiang Yulue was a little surprised, turned around and looked at her again, "Huh?"

"If you don't do that, wouldn't you want to stay with me?" Jing Tongli asked him arrogantly. "We have been busy recently, and we haven't spoken for a long time!"

Rare time together is also a content of disharmony... Jing Tong wrinkled his nose when he thought of this.

Jiang Yu laughed and returned to the bed, taking her to his arms: "Yes."

But the tone doesn't sound so pleasant.

Jing Tong rubbed his chin with his forehead: "What's wrong, you seem unhappy?"

"How come." Jiang Yu said in earnest. "You are right. We really haven't spoken for a long time."

He was worried now that if he made her angry again, she would start to deduct the quota for the next week. So since she made the request, Jiang Yu said that she should work hard to satisfy her.

Jing Tong smiled with satisfaction, and put himself in his arms with confidence: "I wasn’t I just watching the comments of netizens? A lot of people wanted to watch our wedding live broadcast, and let us compare the prince next said Do you want to live stream?"

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