Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1648: Unsatisfied

Jiang Yu gasped heavily, stroking the woman's sweaty back. After a while, he calmed down and opened his eyes, only to find that the woman's cheeks were flushed, her eyes straightened, her red lips slightly opened, and apparently she hadn't followed the rhyme. Recall.

He couldn't help raising the corner of his lips and bowed his head to kiss. Tonight, this woman even gave him a feeling of surprise. He has been driving for so long. It was probably the most satisfying time for him just now. He believes that Jing Tong is the same.

"Do you like it?" he asked dumbly as he kissed her.

Jing Tong was still a little embarrassed, and after being kissed by him for a while, he became annoyed afterwards. She pushed him a little: "Okay... I'm sleepy..."

"I'm not sleepy." Jiang Yu's throat knot slipped, his black eyes scorched, "Sometimes tomorrow is time to sleep, eh?"

Jing Tong's face was flushed, but when he saw his enthusiasm, he nodded obediently, so there was a second time. At the end of this time, her tired eyes could not be opened, and her soft arms could not be lifted, closing her eyes. The kind that can fall asleep immediately, as a result the man's big palm still lingers on her body.

Jing Tong refused to speak before it was too late, but the man bullied himself again and kissed her lips heavily, blocking all her words in her throat. Jing Tong had no strength to resist and could only cry Wang Wang let him do whatever he wanted.

However, Jiang Yu was still unsatisfied. Later, Jing Tong had forgotten to count. She only remembered that she seemed to cry several times. Jiang Yu didn't let her go, but kept comforting her with kisses.

Later, she seemed to be in a coma, but the man's hot heartbeat was still buried in her body. She still remembered that he kissed her back neck and pinna, and her low and **** voice called her name again and again: "Tong Tong , Tongtong..." Later Jiang Yu seemed to take her to the bathroom, and then back to the big bed, the sky was already bright.

When the two woke up in the middle of the night, it was not too early, so it was no surprise that Jiang Yu arrived at dawn as soon as he struggled. What's scary is that even if it was dawn, he still didn't plan to let her go. It seemed that he was going to make up for the number of debts owed these years.

The too frequent extinction experience made Jing Tong's throat dumb, and finally she couldn't even shout it out, she could only hum.

The last memory is that Jiang Yu picked her up and let her lie in his arms.

Jing Tong quickly fell asleep.


It seems that it has been a century and so long, and it seems that only a few minutes have passed.

Jing Tong heard the hustle and bustle of voices, and she was so noisy that she wanted to scold her.

She seemed to thump the pillow, covered her ears with a hand, and blocked the noisy sounds for her. She couldn't help but hide from the chest in front of her.

However, the voice outside was still endless, Jing Tong finally could not stand it, and opened his eyes in pain.

"What time is it..." she started, but her voice was hoarse.

"It's afternoon." Jiang Yu apparently woke up for a while, and his voice was extremely soft, "Do you want to get up and eat something before going to sleep?"

Jing Tong whimpered, "Don't... I'm going to sleep... Noisy, let them stop..."

After a short pause, she heard the man's helpless voice, a little cautious: "They came here to move, and you made an appointment with them..."

Jing Tong was stunned, remembering that there was such a thing, so...

"All, blame, you!"

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