Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1652: His big XX

Jing Tong clicked on the hot search and saw a picture of them standing in the vestibule, it was estimated that the paparazzi had taken it secretly, but the quality of the picture was good. The two held hands and snuggled together. Jiang Yu's hand was resting on her head and he smiled Looking down at her with low eyes, she was intimate and warm, not knowing how much exclamation she had gained.

"It's too sweet, lock me these two!"

Uh, it's necessary!

"I think the working hours and personal time of the president are completely two styles...I haven't got used to it after reading it so many times."

Coincidentally, I am not used to it anymore, I always feel like I have two husbands!

"I wrote the same humanities of Jiang Jing cp, click on my homepage, and the top post is Weibo!"

...Lie trough!

Jing Tong was curious and immediately clicked on the netizen's homepage. The top post was a long Weibo. She clicked on the big picture and it was really the same humanities as she and Jiang Yu.

It's still 18 banned for the same humanities!

! ! !

How many exclamation marks could not express her inner wonder.

Jing Tong looked down with strong curiosity. The netizen's writing style was not bad. The style of the painting was normal at the beginning. It was a simple scene introduction and dialogue. However, after two paragraphs, the style of painting changed suddenly.

What "Jingtong looked at his big XX with red ears, 18m...", what "Jingtong was helpless to beg for mercy with the collision of the man", basically followed by "Jingtong's cry", full of screens It’s a word like “It’s so big”, “Not good” or “Ahhh”.

Jing Tong's face was hot, and it was funny, what 18 meters! This netizen either made a mistake in the quantifier unit, or had hatred against her, or a **** hatred, so she wanted to make her die miserably and pitifully!

She really didn't look at it again, but she couldn't hide her curiosity and curiosity. She simply clicked into the comment. As a result, all of them asked for a larger scale. Jing Tong almost didn't pass.

Although the current atmosphere is very open, netizens can ridicule leaders at will, but is it appropriate for YY to even discredit leaders? This kind of culture really needs to be managed! Netizens are really boring!

Jing Tong vomited in a circle, but when lying on the bed, he always had that 18-forbidden humanistic description in her mind, recalling some scenes from last night...She couldn't bear it later, "ah "Bounced from the bed with a sound.

But Jiang Yu, who walked in the door, was taken aback.

He raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

Jing Tong felt that he must have taken his brain off, because at the moment when the man walked in, her eyes couldn't help but fall somewhere to him, the uncontrollable recollection of "his big XX" in his much so She responded by half a beat.

"...Nothing." She blushed and looked away. "Isn't it exciting to move to a new home!"

Jiang Yu's eyes fell on her blushing cheeks, becoming meaningful, "Really?"

"Really." She coughed slightly and pushed the phone aside unnaturally. "Are you busy? Go and take a shower... I'll get your clothes..."

Jiang Yu didn't move, and the dark eyes fell from her face to the phone. She deliberately pushed the phone a bit farther, obviously an expression of guilty conscience. He has handled many difficult and miscellaneous cases, and has also studied psychology. Therefore, this action of Jing Tong is for him to be more obvious.

He smiled lowly, "Not in a hurry."

During the talk, he had already reached the other side of the big bed, leaned over and kissed her face, and when he pulled back, he took Jingtong's mobile phone in his hand.

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