Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1669: Then give birth

Jing Tong certainly knew that it was not an easy task to have a baby. She was still afraid, but now, this fear is suppressed by greater desire.

Whenever she thinks of a little fat baby, she feels itchy.

"I know." Jing Tong thought while saying, "Isn't it three months before our wedding? Three months is just for preparation, if I still haven't changed my mind at that time, and our physical condition is also appropriate , Then let's be born!"

She looked at him with bright eyes.

Jiang Yuqing couldn't help but touched her face, only to feel that his heart was agitated, his throat rolled, and he wanted to say something but he didn't know where to start.

Jing Tong looked at him without blinking his eyes, and when he saw it, he felt a little nervous: "Jiang Yu, are you reluctant? If you are not willing, then we will wait..."

She always feels that Jiang Yu has not been very keen on giving birth to children.

Hearing this, Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing, he rubbed her jaw with his fingertips: "How could I not be willing? Just do what you said."

Jing Tong let out a sigh of relief and smiled into his arms: "I know you are busy, but you must keep this in mind no matter how busy you are! Otherwise, I will complain to the baby."

Jiang Yu smiled and hugged her tightly. He couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed the top of her head, earnestly promising: "Okay."


Jing Tong always wanted to be the one who came out once, so after she raised the agenda for pregnancy, she immediately bought many related books online, and hung out on the website every day to understand the knowledge of mother and baby. Sometimes she even Go directly to the authoritative organization of the extranet to download the paper to study.

Of course, she didn’t know enough. She would sum up the key points every day and send it to Jiang Yu. Fortunately, Jiang Yu really took this matter into her heart, and she would basically read it carefully. To test him, occasionally he did not have time to watch, Jing Tong would not allow him to touch her.

Looking at her serious energy, Jiang Yu felt amused again.

One day, Jiang Yu talked with several subordinates in the hospitality room. After talking about it, he ordered the housekeeper to send some wine and planned to let everyone relax.

As a result, after toasting, he was about to drink, but the door of the waiting room was pushed open.

Jing Tong appeared at the door.



Everyone quickly put down the cup and got up to say hello to her.

"You sit, don't be polite." Jing Tong smiled, "I have something to do with Jiang Yu, it will be fine immediately, and it won't delay you for long."

After speaking, she smiled and walked towards Jiang Yu.

Holding a glass, Jiang Yu raised an eyebrow inquiringly and smiled, "What's wrong."

Jing Tong walked in front of him, Xiao Yinyin's face was inexplicably murderous. She grabbed the glass from his hand and lowered her voice and said, "Did you forget? You can't drink now."

Jiang Yu was slightly startled, and then smiled: "I know, but..."

"No, but." Jing Tong is very strict. "I'll ask the butler Zhou to bring you some water."

With that said, she picked up the glass of wine and turned around.

Facing the dull look of everyone, Jing Tong smiled very kindly and pressed his right hand down to signal them to sit: "Relax, if the drink is OK, you continue to drink."

After that, she left the reception room with a glass of wine.

Jiang Yu coughed and said calmly, "We are preparing for pregnancy."

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