Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1672: Who dares to stop me on my honeymoon

In choosing the wedding dress, Jing Tong specially consulted Jiang Yu's opinion. However, Jiang Yu is similar to any straight man in this respect. He stared at the wedding dress design drawings, looked at it for a long time, and gave Jing Tong an answer that she was not surprised: "I think it looks good. "

Jing Tongqi rolled his eyes: "Nonsense."

The man smiled and hugged her: "I'm serious. In my eyes, you are the most beautiful, so everything you wear is icing on the cake."

Jing Tong tilted his mouth: "Forget it, I'll leave you with some suspense... I think Mr. Ji and Shengge's wedding is very good, I asked Shengge to go."

"Okay." Jiang Yu relaxed. In fact, in his opinion, those wedding dress styles are really no different.

But when it comes to the wedding of Ji Shiting and Ye Shengge... Jiang Yu remembered her appearance as a bridesmaid.

At that time, he wondered if it was possible for them to have such a day, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Jiang Yu couldn't help but tickled the corner of his lips, and there was a softer smile in his eyes.

Jing Tong gave him a glance: "What are you thinking...smiling so..."

"I'm thinking, I will apply for wedding leave after the wedding." He said calmly, "at least take a week off, we always have to honeymoon, otherwise how to have a baby."

Jing Tong had never thought about the problem of honeymoon before, she heard her eyes light up: "Can you take a vacation?"

"Of course." Jiang Yu smiled. "It's been almost half a year. I haven't rested for almost a day. I see who dares to stop me on my honeymoon."

Jing Tong smiled.

However, after three days, she couldn't laugh.

Because one day she suddenly discovered that her official leave was two weeks late. During this time she was busy and did not deliberately keep a date, so she didn't realize the problem until two weeks later.

She had a medical examination not long ago, and the results showed that she was very healthy... So the official holiday was postponed suddenly, probably...

Jing Tong had a blank brain. She didn’t dare to tell anyone, but she secretly bought a pregnancy test stick online. While waiting for the pregnancy test stick, she spent almost all her life. Do... Seriously, although she has been preparing for pregnancy, it was only then that she discovered that her preparation was still not enough.

When she thought of a baby in her stomach, she couldn't panic. She even felt out of breath.

The most important thing is that there is one to one month to her and Jiang Yu's wedding! The wedding day has been set a long time ago, the whole country... No, the whole world knows the day of their wedding, and it will be broadcast live on that day. The broadcasting rights have been sold. Sure enough, they have sold hundreds of millions of high prices. The deposit is in her account. Therefore, the wedding cannot be cancelled anyway. However, if she is pregnant, many aspects have to be adjusted for her physical consideration, and there are still twenty days left, and time may not be enough.

She can only pray that she made a mistake...Oh, baby, wait another month, and you can come again after the father and mother's wedding...

After the pregnancy test stick arrived, Jing Tong couldn't wait to go to the bathroom.

However, it turned out that she was not mistaken.

At that time, the first thought that came out of Jing Tong's mind was: No one can stop Jiang Yu from taking a honeymoon on vacation, but... the children in her stomach are about?

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