Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1675: Accompany me in a play

"Here, I let them talk to you." Ye Shengge said with a smile.

It didn't take long for Jing Tong to hear the two little guys saying hello with little tender voice over the phone. Jing Tong could not wait for his baby to be born quickly. If there is a baby like twins, then no matter how difficult it is.

Jing Tong smiled and chatted with them for a while, and then hung up.

At this point, she looked completely different from ten minutes ago, and her eyes were full of smiles.

Where there is the appearance of the previous loss.

Jing Tong hummed and happily returned to the bedroom, then called her exclusive doctor, and soon the doctor arrived, checked her, and confirmed the baby's existence again.

The doctor smiled and congratulated her, Jing Tong rolled his eyes, a little thieves: "You do me a favor, accompany me in a play."


Jiang Yu left the presidential palace early in the morning today and came back late at night.

He originally planned to bring his assistant back to the study. There were a few things unsolved during the day. However, after the housekeeper greeted him, he found the housekeeper's face dignified.

"Your Excellency." Although Zhou Guanjia didn't work for the couple for a long time, he was very capable and loyal. Jiang Yu always respected him.

Seeing Zhou Guanjia's look wrong now, he couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong?"

If something that didn't matter happened, Zhou's housekeeper wouldn't show such a look on his face.

Zhou Guanjia looked at the assistants who were with Jiang Yu and hesitated and said, "Today, Mrs. invited the doctor to come home and didn't know what to do. When the doctor left, her face was very bad. I asked her What's wrong with the wife, she refused to say that she only asked the wife to go to the hospital for a few days to investigate, maybe she made a mistake..."

When Jiang Yu heard this, his face had sunk, and he waved his hands at several assistants: "You go back first. I'll talk next time."

Several assistants looked at each other, and they also heard that there was something wrong with the wife's body, but it was not easy to ask at the moment, and could only leave in silence.

Jiang Yu had already strode towards the residential building. His face was sober and his eyebrows twisted slightly: "What about Tongtong?"

"...After the doctor left, the wife kept her in the room, and no one was allowed to enter. She refused to come out for dinner. Sister Chen gave her dinner so that she would let Sister Chen in anyway. Sister Chen said the room There wasn’t even a light in the light. She drove her out as soon as she put the dinner down. She refused to leave, and the wife lost her temper... We were all worried that the wife didn’t even have dinner." Zhou Guanjia said while trying to catch up Jiang Yu's footsteps.

Jiang Yu's face grew colder. Not long ago, she and Jing Tong had a medical examination. She was obviously very healthy and there wouldn't be any serious illness... But if it's not serious, how could Jing Tong keep himself in the room?

Jiang Yuqing couldn't help but clenched his fist in order to restrain the tremor from panic. He wanted to calm down, but at this moment there was no way to calmly think. The huge panic had grabbed his heart, making him feel unable to gasp for the first time.

At this time he just wanted to see her as soon as possible!

Zhou Guanjia saw that he hadn't spoken, but his pace was getting faster and faster, and he couldn't help reminding: "Otherwise, you can call the doctor yourself..."

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