Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1691: Have you been hindering you before?

"You don't trust me, do you?" Jing Tong bit his lip, "In my opinion, you are simply questioning my ability, whether as the first lady of this country or as the mother of the baby, do you think I You can’t be so anxious if you are not competent."

"No." Jiang Yu subconsciously denied, "Of course I believe you."

"Then why do you always look like I'm very ignorant." Jing Tong looked at him, and the anger that had been suppressed for a long time came up again, "not to mention these two days, since I knew I was pregnant, why don't you talk about it? I have seven or eight hundred times? Don’t I know how to do it myself? I have read more authoritative papers and books than you, not to mention my own physical condition, I know best."

Jiang Yu was speechless.

"I'm in good health. You have to cancel the wedding. I have to exhaust my tongue in order to convince you." Jing Tong said with a choked voice, "I finally have something I want to eat. I don’t allow me to eat the bad things that I don’t have. Your IQ is so high, and you have always been sensible. I don’t believe you don’t have this ability to distinguish. But you still don’t care about my will. Why do I feel depressed? It’s because I know you are doing it for me If I don’t listen to you, it’s as if I don’t care about the baby at all, but I’m the baby’s mother, how could I not care about it. I’ve changed a lot, don’t you see it?”

Jiang Yu took a heavy breath, his hands clenched tightly, and his throat rolled a moment before his hoarse opening said: "I'm sorry. You're right, I was really nervous and really stressed, but I didn't realize it myself, Instead, the pressure is passed on to you in this way."

Jing Tong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

To be honest, at the moment when the two were arguing in the restaurant, Jing Tong even came up with the idea of ​​divorce, so she couldn't help but want to see her father. Fortunately, Jiang Yu is not an unreasonable person, otherwise she really doesn't know what to do.

"As long as you calm down and calm down, you are helping me." Jing Tong looked at him. "In short, you believe me, okay?"

Jiang Yu smiled bitterly: "In other words, have I been holding you back before?"

"I didn't say that, you said it yourself." Jing Tong's tone was a little grumbling, and she pushed his hand away. "I'm tired, I don't want to talk anymore."

Jiang Yu originally wanted her to lean on her body, but the woman was obviously not happy, he could only give up. Seeing her curling up slightly against the door, the man took off his coat and covered her.

This time Jing Tong did not refuse.

Back at the presidential palace, Zhou Guanjia and Sister Chen were very worried. After all, in their opinion, the couple just had a big fight in the restaurant. The couple usually has a good relationship, which seems to be the first time they have quarreled since they got married.

They all almost wanted to call the old house, and later thought about it, it was their husband and wife's business, and they suppressed it.

Now it seems that the two of them are not as arrogant as before, but they still don't seem to be reconciled. Because Jing Tong pushed Jiang Yu's hand away, he walked into the room with his head blank.

"Tongtong." Jiang Yu gently called her, "Don't you want to eat hairy crabs?"

Jing Tong took a step, but when he turned around, he saw the man's expression was extremely gentle, and there was a trace of guilt that he couldn't hide.

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