Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1698: Where is my bride?

There are seven or eight dresses for Jing Tong today. Despite her fears that she is pregnant, the process has been streamlined repeatedly, but this is, after all, a wedding for the whole country or even the whole world, and some links are essential.

The wedding is also a combination of Chinese and Western styles. For example, her first dress was designed according to the traditional Chinese wedding dress. The official wedding photos sent to foreign media will be based on the photos of her wearing the dress. Scarlet satin, exquisite hand embroidery, complicated patterns, but not as thick as traditional wedding dresses. On the contrary, this dress is quite light and slim, and it is specially designed for Jingtong, which complements her temperament. And she can't tell that she is a pregnant woman.

After wearing it, Jing Tong expressed emotion in the mirror: "It's so beautiful..."

She only tried this dress once, but Jiang Yu had never seen it.

Everyone in the room laughed, and there was a lot of praise, and Jing Tong laughed.

No matter what she actually looks like, she is the most beautiful today, and she does not accept rebuttals!

"It's almost time." The bride butler glanced at his watch and urged the team. "Come on, all the irrelevant things will be put away. The cameraman will take it in a moment. By the way, the makeup artist will add a lip makeup to his wife."

Under the supervision of the housekeeper, everyone hurriedly acted, and Jing Tong adjusted his smile to the most beautiful level in the mirror.

After waiting for ten minutes, the door was knocked.

It is worth mentioning that Jing Tong did not find a suitable bridesmaid. Ye Shengge was married and still carrying children. It was definitely inconvenient to be a bridesmaid again. She asked Xu Yao again, but Xu Yao did not agree after repeated consideration. Because Jing Tong's wedding is to be broadcast live, as a bridesmaid must also be photographed, Xu Yao first worried that her psychological quality was not enough to embarrass Jing Tong when the time came, and secondly, she was really worried that relatives and friends would come to her to ask her for a relationship, only to endure the pain Refuse.

Jing Tong simply let the bride butler make-up artist stylist act as a bridesmaid. So when the knock on the door sounded, according to the general situation, the bridesmaid had to embarrass the bridegroom before opening the door. .

Jing Tong put his hands on his knees, very dignified and elegant, and she smiled, "Forget it, let's go, let's hurry up, don't waste time."

Now that the brides have said so, they are naturally relieved. After Jiang Yu showed his identity, he immediately hurried to the door and opened the door to look out curiously.

Jiang Yu brought a lot of people. Although he didn't have many friends of the same level, he had many subordinates. Duan Zhe and others with fair values ​​were all drawn by him.

When the door opened, Jiang Yu took the lead and walked in. He was wearing a black uniform similar to military uniforms, and he was particularly handsome and tall. There were several genuine medals on his shoulders. The heartbeat accelerated, not to mention that the groomsmen were similarly dressed, and the temperament trained in the army for a long time was not covered, and they were speechless for a while.

Jiang Yu didn't care about their lack of attention, but after looking around for a while, he showed a faint smile: "Dear everyone, where is my bride?"

"Oh, the bridegroom is in a hurry." Only the bride's butler dared to make a laugh, and then quickly backed away with a smile, and everyone also gave way like a dream.

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