Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1703: Teach him to be human

"It's almost half a year soon." Jing Tong only felt that the little girl was particularly intimate and lovely today, fully aware that until this time, Qinger finally entered the theme, she just couldn't help but touch her little face, " Qing'er wants a younger brother or a younger sister."

"I already have a soft sister from Uncle Qiao's family, so I want a younger brother." Qinger smiled, "Aunt Jingtong, can you have a younger brother?"

Jing Tong smiled: "I didn't decide this. I will know the baby's gender in two months. Will I inform Qing'er?"

Qing'er Chick nodded like rice: "Then... Can I take him to play?" If you and Uncle Jiang are busy, I can teach him to recognize words, count, draw, and teach him The truth of being a person...I already know much better."

Jing Tong only thought that the little girl's serious expression of "teach him to be a man" was particularly funny. She could not help but nod and said, "Of course. Then I would like to thank Qinger first."

"It's okay." Qing'er finally achieved his goal and was satisfied. "Because I like Aunt Jingtong, I also like Aunt Jingtong's baby."

"Aunt feels very honored." Jing Tong smiled, "You eat quickly."

She can only sigh, if the child in her stomach is half-obsessed and considerate, she will be satisfied.

Qinger showed a sweet smile, and then bowed his head to continue eating. Jing Tong looked at the fragrance they ate and simply picked up chopsticks to eat with them.

Achen couldn't help but think that his sister worked so hard in order to find an opportunity to educate her future husband, would he also do this to Aunt Li? No... Auntie Li is very clever, and he will surely find something wrong at once. He might as well pat Uncle Qiao's ass, Uncle Qiao is more coaxing...

After a while, Jiang Yu finally dealt with several important guests and found Jing Tong under the guidance of the waiter.

Seeing that she and her twins seemed to be eating happily together, Jiang Yu couldn't help but smile and walked over to sit in the remaining empty seat.

"Are you full?"

"Uncle Jiang!" The two children immediately put down their chopsticks and said happily.

"You continue to eat." Jiang Yu smiled slightly, "Is something still appetizing?"

The two looked at each other and suddenly smiled and said, "My brother and I are full!"

"Yes. Uncle Jiang, we don't disturb you and Aunt Jingtong. Mom and Dad may be looking for us. Let's go there first." Achen pointed to the direction of the balcony. "My sister and I wish Uncle Jiang and Jing Aunt Tong is happy to get married!"

"Happy wedding!" Qing'er also spit out this sentence with a smile, and then waited for the newly married couple to react, and they jumped off the chair and ran hand in hand.

"Hey, you slow down, be careful not to fall." Jing Tong hurriedly told, and then looked at Jiang Yu with a little dissatisfaction. "Look, as soon as you come, the two children are scared away."

"Nonsense, how can I be so terrible." Jiang Yu chuckled with a smile, "They are clearly for improper light bulbs, two more sensible children. ... How about you, are you full?"

"It's full." Jing Tong touched the swollen belly. "Fortunately, the evening dress is not particularly tight... The two little guys have a good appetite, which makes me eat too much."

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