Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1705: Tonight is clearly our wedding night

Achen thought to herself, my mother really had a fever, otherwise how could her face be so red, and it looked uncomfortable.

"Father, take your mother to the doctor soon! My sister and I will be fine here for one night, you can rest assured." Achen patted her small breast.

Qing'er nodded.

Ji Shiting smiled comfortably: "That's good. You have to be good. Dad will pick you up tomorrow morning, eh?"

"Uh huh." Qinger blinked his eyes, "Mom will be fine, right?"

"Yes, Dad promises you." Ji Shiting Yu Guang glanced at the car was coming, so he hugged the woman in her arms, "Go in, if your mother is good, Dad will call Uncle Jiang, let him Tell you."

"Okay." The two children responded obediently and turned back to the banquet hall.

At this time, the thank-you banquet was coming to an end. Compared with the wedding banquet at noon, the thank-you banquet at night was relatively relaxed and comfortable. After eating and drinking, everyone sat on the sofa and chatted casually, so the two children quickly found The figures of Jiang Yu and Jing Tong.

They rushed over and made Jing Tong surprised and happy.

"What's wrong?" She saw that there was something wrong with the two children's looks.

The two children explained this in such a way, still worried, but Jiang Yu and Jing Tong did not speak for a while.

They looked at each other and finally felt that they could not hurt the young minds of the two children, so Jing Tong coughed lightly: "It turns out that is the case. Don't worry, just sleep here tonight."

Jiang Yu also said patiently: "I will let Aunt Chen take you to bed last time, OK? Rest assured, if your father calls, I will tell you immediately."

The two children were relieved, thankfully, and then left with Chen.

Jing Tong was a little dissatisfied: "Is this couple too irresponsible? I was still thinking about learning from them... now it seems to be forgetful."

Jiang Yu put her hand on her belly and smiled lowly: "Actually, I can understand them."

Jing Tong glared at him involuntarily.

At the end of the thank-you banquet, the couple handed over the task of sending away the guests to Jiang Cheng and Zhou Guanjia, and the two returned to the room hand in hand. After all, it was a newly-weds. During the day, Sister Chen specially arranged for them, but because of Jing Tong’s physical condition, Jiang Yu could only express regret.

After washing, he also went to the two children's room specially, vowed to say that their father called to say that their mother is already well, so they don't worry.

The two little guys were relieved and finally fell asleep at ease.

Jiang Yu then returned to the bedroom.

Jing Tong was already lying on the bed, and while waiting for him, he swiped his phone to read the comments. The woman who had removed her makeup did not have the thrilling beauty of the day, but it made Jiang Yu feel very at ease. He went to bed and reached out to grab her in his arms.

"Tired? Go to bed early."

Jing Tong was indeed tired, and a certain amount of tiredness inevitably appeared on her face. She lay on the chest of the man and smiled: "Is the two children at ease?"

"Huh." Jiang Yu said slightly frowning, "I thought he would at least really make a phone call and said, I didn't expect..."

Jing Tong threw a smile: "Mr. Ji still remembers to call you now. Besides, he must know what we can guess."

Who knows Jiang Yu's face is getting colder, he seems to gritt his teeth: "Tonight is clearly our wedding night..."

(Jiang Jing will write the children’s stories after the end, see you tomorrow~)

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