Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1713: How much i love you

Jing Tong thought for a while and hesitated: "Are you alright?"

Jiang Yu snorted, grabbed her hand and put a bite on her lips.

Jing Tong exclaimed a little and retorted: "You are kind enough to say me, you are not the same, you are already busy enough, now it is rare to come back earlier at night, it is also for the son, and all of our chats are also It’s a son... hum."

The impact of the newly born child on the lives of the two is all-round. They couldn't help but focus on the child. Jiang Yu also consciously fulfilled his responsibility as a father. Jing Tong was actually very happy, not at all. Mind that he left her cold.

But he in turn accused her in this way, Jing Tong was not very happy.

Jiang Yu smiled lowly: "Yes, so I am going to correct this error now."

"How to correct? The children are already born, we can't ignore him." Jing Tong gave him a glance.

During the talk, the couple had returned to the bedroom.

Jiang Yu pinched a hand on her waist: "Go to the bath first, then let's discuss this issue again."

Jing Tong instantly understood his suggestion, blushing and clapping his hands: "Hey! That's why you don't want your son to sleep with us!"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Jiang Yu took a peck at her mouth, her voice hoarsely dissatisfied, "I don't think you love me anymore."

Jing Tong was struck by Lei, couldn't help but hammered him in the chest, and then couldn't hold a laugh, she put her arms around his neck: "Why... I didn't neglect you... "

Since her late pregnancy, the couple’s life has stopped, but the intimate behavior is not small. After all, there are many ways to not affect the children and make them feel happy with each other. Jing Tong feels that she is not hungry. Yeah, certainly not hungry myself.

For her, this rhythm and way are quite good now. The child was just born, and her body did not fully recover. Besides, it was so hard to bring the child every day. If a real gun came, she felt that she really had no strength.

But Jiang Yu was obviously not satisfied.

He touched her forehead and his voice was low and dumb: "Tongtong..."

"Okay, okay..." Jing Tong couldn't stand him like this, so he nodded.

Jiang Yu raised her lips and hugged her directly to the bathroom: "Let's wash together."

"No need!" Jing Tong was shocked.

"Don't be afraid, you don't need to work." He took a bite on her earlobe.

Jing Tong had to go with him, but within half an hour, she regretted it.

This bastard! con man! She was told not to let her work, but when he pushed her against the wall, she was forced to hang the whole person on him, and she was so tired that she was half tired, but she said she was not allowed to work?

Jiang Yu seemed to be suffocating. He seized the opportunity and tossed her to death. Jing Tong bit a bit on his shoulder.

Until Jiang Yu put her in the bath.

The infiltration of the hot water was very comfortable, Jing Tong was drowsy, and he couldn't care about the man's burning hands walking around.

Jiang Yu pinched her waist and let her lie in her arms, biting her ear and calling softly: "Tongtong?"

Jing Tong opened his eyes reluctantly, his voice very hoarse: "Why."

"Did I not tell you how much I love you." He spit out this sentence with a smile.

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