Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1719: Women are big hoofs (5)

Qing'er has been in Country M for three years. At first, he may have some freshness in Western food, but now he is almost vomiting. What's more, the portion of a meal here is much more than domestic, so she can't eat this steak after eating only one-third of it.

She put down her knife and fork and took a sip of water, but saw that the opposite Yao had already eaten most of it.

"It's fast to eat, it seems that you like Western food very much." Qinger smiled, "Then you have a good time."

"Fortunately, at least not annoying." A Yao also put down her knife and fork, watching her plate slightly frown, "Sister Qing'er, don't you eat?"

"I can't eat any more." She put out her tongue. "You might just think it's okay. I have eaten for several years and I'm really tired."

"It's not okay. You usually study so hard. It's definitely not enough to eat just this." A Yao's face was a little serious.

"Haha, that's enough, it's time to lose weight." She picked up a french fries with a fork and smiled. "You also know that Western foods are high in calories."

"You can cook by yourself." He asked with a wink.

"Because I can't do it. I tried it myself when I first came, but it was too unpalatable." She wrinkled her nose. "You know, I used to be at home only when I was ordering. kitchen."

She has had some hardships in study for so many years, and she has never been wronged in her life, especially in China. Although her parents are not arrogant to her and her brother, Ji’s family is there, basically The siblings still lived in the days when the clothes came to reach out and open their mouths.

Later, when I went to study in country M, I did encounter some troubles in my life, but I could handle everything with money. I always don’t like to waste time on these trivial things. She might as well read two more papers with this spare time.

A Yao suddenly coughed slightly, showing a shy smile: "If Sister Qing'er doesn't dislike... I can cook for you."

Qinger opened his eyes in surprise: "Will you cook?"

"Well." The teenager was a little embarrassed. "You know my mother likes cooking. I learned a few things from her. A few years ago, I was in a closed military school. The food in the cafeteria was not good. I often cook a small stove for myself. . Craftsmanship...should be okay."

"Ayao is awesome!" If it weren't for a huge table between them, Qing'er might have stepped forward to hug him, her hands clenched into a fist against her chin, her eyes sparkling. With him, "Let's drive to purchase in the afternoon! I haven't eaten authentic Chinese food in a long time. The Chinese restaurant here has also been improved to suit the tastes of Westerners. The taste is strange... Good brother, you It's my lucky star!"

"This is also taught by Sister Qing'er." A Yao's smile was bathed in the sun, which seemed extraordinarily pure, even pious. "You said, the boys who can cook are more attractive, and the boys who have good cooking skills will More popular with girls."

Qing'er's originally gratified smile suddenly froze.

Has she said that?

It may have been said. At that time she was in her early tens, and I didn’t know what TV program I watched. I believed that the man who would cook was the most handsome, so he turned his head and instilled this point of view to A Yao, who was only 6 or 7 years old at that time. When you like to stick to her, basically what she said and what he should do.

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