Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1721: Women are big hoofs (7)

"Huh." A Yao smiled slightly and pulled home with her. "I remember when I was a kid, Sister Qing'er also helped me bathe through clothes."

Qing'er was turning around, and he almost fell behind when he heard the words.

"Really? Ha ha..." She laughed dryly, "I don't even remember... how old were you at that time, maybe you haven't remembered it yet."

A Yao looked at her back and uttered a sentence as if to herself: "Well, I have a good memory."

Qing'er pretended not to hear, she waved her hand casually, "Come on, let's go upstairs."

However, she couldn't help but start talking.

This dead boy, there is no gender awareness! Even her brother, Ye Jinhan's stinky boy was embarrassed to let her buy underwear for him...

She slandered, but in order to avoid embarrassment, she did not make a fuss about her performance, so she had nothing to do.

The two went to the place where they bought men's underwear, and Qinger took the initiative to take the cart and smiled: "Go pick it, I'll wait for you here."

"Sister Qing'er will accompany me, soon." He smiled slightly, relying on his height and legs, and pushed the cart directly to the shelf.

Qinger had to follow.

"The underwear here is of average quality. You can buy two to deal with it. After two days, we will go to the mall to buy a little better, or directly buy online..." Qinger said calmly.

"Huh." A Yao nodded, picked up one from the shelf and sent it to her, asking, "Sister Qing'er, what do you think of this one?"

The corner of Qing'er's mouth was another blow.

...What advice can she give? And there is nothing to pick about the underwear, as long as the size is no problem!

She was mad at heart, but still had a calm smile on her face: "You just feel good."

"Well, I think it's fine." He laughed, looked at her and put the one in his hand back, took the one next to it, "But the size is not right, I take this large one."

The remaining light in the corner of his eyes looked at the size on the package, and he was shocked in his heart. His eyes were uncontrollably aimed at a certain part of this kid-Oo, I can't see that this kid is not very young, but somewhere. It's a great shore. Speaking of that, she had really seen a place in this kid, it seemed to have been more than once... but at that time he was very young, completely different from what it is now.

Soon Qinger consciously withdrew her gaze. Although she has been busy with school for so many years, she has not taken the time to think about emotional issues, but it does not prevent her from chatting with her classmates about adult topics as a transfer from time to time. So she thinks that she is an old driver, and this kid is just a little boy who is not sensible, even if she just thinks about it in her heart, it is not appropriate.

She put away those messy thoughts and smiled calmly: "Have you bought it?"

"Okay." A Yao took another one and put it in the cart, laughing, "Sister Qing'er, let's go back."

While waiting at the checkout counter, the two stood together and received a lot of attention. After all, the handsome men and women were particularly striking wherever they went. There was also a white old lady who smiled and talked to Qinger. It seemed that they thought they were a couple, and after denying it, Qinger explained in a proud tone that it was her younger brother.

Oh, brother.

The teenager's black eyes flashed

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