Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1740: How long do i want to live

"I won't say it." A Yao seemed to sigh softly, "Sister Qing'er, don't be afraid."

Qing'er raised his eyebrow and emphasized, "I'm afraid you are going astray."

A Yao glanced at her, ticked her lips and said nothing, but picked up the cup she put on the coffee table, "I'll pour you water."

After all, he got up and went to the kitchen.

Qinger couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Seriously, although she had a great influence on him when she was a child, they haven’t seen each other for six years. During these six years he was not free. She was busy flying up. It was nothing more than during the holidays and her birthday. It was only when A Yao's blessing text message came that she remembered this younger brother...

Therefore, she was unavoidably surprised by the kid's dependence and trust on her... It would be false to say whether she was moved, but she couldn't help but question the negligence of Uncle Jiang and Aunt Jingtong.

How does she feel that it has been six years and Ah Yao hasn't made much progress in a certain way? Although he was still young, he had grown up in a few months. Some things should be understood, but the boy seemed to have no gender consciousness at all.

Qing'er vomited in her heart, but she never thought that her obediently obedient brother might act in front of her from the beginning.

After a while, A Yao came over with the glass, leaned over and handed her, and smiled slightly: "Sister Qing'er."

Even from this point of view, his facial features are still impeccable, his eyes dark and delicate, and the smile on his eyes is more and more charming.

Qing'er only felt that Xiaoxin's heart was a little unsatisfactory. She couldn't help watching him for more than two seconds before she calmly reached out and took it: "Thank you."

After she finished looking away, she raised her glass and took a sip.

"Huh? Honey lemonade!" She was a little surprised.

"Well." He smiled a little shyly. "I know Sister Qing'er likes it."

Qing'er couldn't help but sigh, again regretting the age difference between the two...

"Sister Qing'er, what's wrong?" His tone was worried.

"It's nothing." She drank the water from the glass, as if she made up her mind, "After a couple of days there will be a party in our yard, let me take you!"

"Huh?" He raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised.

"There are a lot of beautiful girls at the party." Qinger smiled, "Maybe you will be right with one of them."

His eyes were dark, and his voice was a little depressed: "Sister Qing'er, you still don't want me to live with you, right?"

"Ah? I don't mean this..." Qinger was a little confused.

"Then why do you urge me to interact with other girls again and again?" He looked at her, and his voice couldn't be dull. "Is it true that once I interact with other girls, you can just drive me out?"

"Of course not!" Qinger subconsciously denied.

"Why is that?" He looked at her persistently.

Qinger was suddenly dumb.

Because she hoped that he would interact with other girls like a normal boy, and then she would be able to cut off the thoughts that came up from time to time in her heart.

But she couldn't speak, so she could only watch the teenager show a lost and sad expression...

"No, A Yao, listen to me, even if you really associate with other girls, I won't chase you away." She had to swear, "No matter what happens, you can continue to live, how long you want to live How long to stay!"

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