Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 175: Did you serve the gold master

Shang Tianyi pulled out his ear: "What are you talking about?"

"I said, I am Muxia." Ye Shengge repeated.

"I'm leaning, I'm leaning, I'm leaning!" Shang Tianyi was obviously shocked, and he didn't stop after saying several times.

Seeing this, Ye Shengge was satisfied.

What is needed is this effect.

If Ji Shiting knew the truth, although it wouldn’t be as exaggerated as Shang Tianyi, he would certainly be taken aback, and his brain supplemented the picture, and Ye Shengge couldn’t help laughing.

"You are not blinded by me!" Shang Tianyi was puzzled by her.

Ye Shengge quickly condensed his smile and coughed: "It's true. Yesterday my account was stolen, and it was finally easy to get it back, but the netizens first came to the fore, and already determined that Mu Xiaoya is Muxia."

Shang Tianyi suppressed screaming, "What the **** is going on?"

Ye Shengge told him the cause and effect, but helplessly spread his hand: "If it weren't for the two of them, I almost forgot my identity as Muxia."

In her early years, she was lonely and shy, and she didn't force herself to communicate with others until she became Xing Yi's boss and acted as an agent.

"These two are so disgusting!" Shang Tianyi was not angry, "No, you have to think of a way! Since you have taken your account back, hurry up and clarify on Weibo. Someone will believe you."

Ye Shengge thought it made sense and nodded.

Shang Tianyi was somewhat suspicious: "How do I think you are not angry at all."

After hearing this, Ye Shengge couldn't help but bliss.

Because she suddenly discovered that Ji Shiting was her fan, and he did not know that she was Muxia.

This fact is enough to counteract the anger of being replaced.

Shang Tianyi is inexplicable: "Are you all right?"

Will this woman be stupid?

"Cough, there is something to be angry. The fake is fake, Mu Xiaoya can't pretend to be long." Ye Shengge said seriously.

"Since you all look so open, I have nothing more to say." Shang Tianyi gave her a glance, "Yes, the strategy I sent you is easy to use? Did you wait for the gold master last night!" "

"Uh..." Ye Shengge's expression was a bit stiff.

Lord Jin is so clever, her tricks can't even deceive him. In the end, she did not wait for the gold master, but instead she served the gold master.

Moreover, she has made up her mind that unless Ji Shiting takes the initiative in the future, she will never move any more.

Seeing her face is not good-looking, Shang Tianyi said with a comprehension: "I understand. The taste of the gold master is generally more tricky, hard work for you. Anyway, safety first, some overly tricky, don't play ."

Ye Shengge responded with a smile, not knowing what he was making up.

Next, Ye Shengge discussed with Shang Tianyi the progress of the studio again, and learned that the studio would be established soon, and Shang Tianyi was satisfied.

"In the future I will take charge of the general direction, and you will be responsible for the execution of specific affairs." Ye Shengge said, "You are my CEO."

Shang Tianyi gave her a white look: "You know to crush me. Forget it, who makes me love you, baby."

Ye Shengge burst into a chill: "I'm going to the studio."

"I'll be with you." Shang Tianyi gave her a wink.

The studio was already methodically busy, and Ye Shengge walked to his dressing room, but the result was far away, but he saw Lin Ran standing at the door and looked stomped.

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