Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1758: Standing tall

What a standout...

Walking in the crowd, he became more dazzling, but he didn't seem to like this kind of attention. The teenager slightly raised his eyebrows and walked to the bar to say something to the bartender. Then he turned around and looked at the scene. Wei Xun seemed to be looking for someone, but he didn't wait for him to find his target. A hot-dressed girl walked over with a smile, blocking his eyes.

At the same time also blocked the eyes of Qing'er.

Qinger had to silently look away, shaking the cup in his hand. Although her goal today is to let A Yao make friends, especially heterosexual friends of the same age, but she really sees him staying with other girls, and her heart is inevitably complicated.

It was at this time that her arm was hit by someone, and a teasing female voice came in her ear: "How can our Miss Ji be willing to appreciate the light today? I am really flattered."

Qing'er turned to look at her, and said slightly disgusted: "The wine you prepared is really bad."

"If you prepare according to your standards, it may not be enough to give me three times the budget." The other person shook his head and smiled and touched the glass with her.

The person here is Xu Ziyue, who is the initiator and person in charge of this party today. Xu Ziyue is also from Yangcheng. He has a good family background and an active personality, so he is very popular among Chinese students. There are not many friends in Princeton, Xu Ziyue is one, at least Xu Ziyue knows her true identity.

Although Qinger was disgusted in his mouth, he still took a sip to the face.

Xu Ziyue leaned into her ear, and her voice was a little secretly excited: "Seriously, this is the first time you have enjoyed your face in my party in a few years. Are you here for him?"

With that, she nodded with her chin and gestured to look at the bar.

Qing'er was stunned: "You mean a boy wearing a royal blue suit? What's wrong with him?"

"Everyone was preaching before the start of school, saying that this year's freshman is a Jiang family, it seems that he is. I dare say that most of the people at today's party are directed at him." Xu Ziyue tweeted, "Everyone knows that the Jiang family's face value is high, but this person's face value is too high...I suspect that he is Jiang Yaojing, after all, he is the right age. Unfortunately, there are only photos of the little prince when he was a kid, and they are not positive Photo..."

Jiang Yaojing was born in the expectation of all the people. Jiang Yu and Jing Tong still released pictures of their children after discussion. Until Jiang Yu stepped down, the media often took photos of the president's family from the presidential palace, but When A Yao was seven years old, Jiang Yu announced that he would not be re-elected after being reelected two times. After the family moved out of the presidential palace, they would no longer be allowed to spy on the life of their family.

So Xu Ziyue is very sorry.

Qing'er was almost choked.

She didn't expect Ayao's identity to be exposed, but as a national prince, it was indeed harder for this kid to hide her identity.

"No, I know this kid, he has nothing to do with the Jiang family." Qing'er Zheng said with a look.

Xu Ziyue was taken aback: "Do you know him?"

Qing'er nodded: "It's my brother. His character is a little shy and timid, so his parents asked me to take care of him. Otherwise, I thought I would be happy to come and join you, the Rush party?"

Xu Ziyue looked at her speechlessly: "I said, Miss Ji..."

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