Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1760: do you like her

Qinger was shocked by him again.

She couldn't figure out why she was bewitched by this kid from time to time, as if she had never seen the world, but whether it was her elder brother Ji Jinchen or younger brother Ye Jinhan, the five senses were excellent, and she was not a loser. When he is big, he should be resistant to men who look good to Jun in a reasonable way...

No, she is indeed very resistant to handsome men. At least there are many handsome men among her boys who are pursuing her. She is indifferent. So, she just has no resistance to this kid's appearance?

Thinking of this, Qing'er felt sullen.

A Yao approached her, and when she met her, she finally showed a smile of joy.

It was this smile that made Qing'er suddenly refreshed.

She coughed lightly: "What's wrong?"

"Sister Qing'er, didn't you say you came to me in the past." He stood still in front of her, his voice was a little dull, as if he wanted to complain and was afraid to dare, "I was blocked just now, I didn't find you."

"I saw that girls like you very much, you should be kind to them." Qinger smiled.

A Yao glanced at her and seemed to want to see something from her face, but failed.

He pursed his lips: "But I don't like them... if they weren't, my good coat wouldn't be sprinkled with wine."

"Ah..." Qing'er only remembered that moment, "It's okay, anyway, it's not cold today, you can find a place to put down your coat."

"Give me!" Xu Ziyue's eyes opened, and a kind and charming smile appeared on her face.

A Yao gave her a surprised look.

Only then did Qinger think of giving him an introduction: "Xu Ziyue, the person in charge of the party, has a wide range of communication. Usually, you can find her for anything."

Then she said to Xu Ziyue: "This is my younger brother, you just call him Arthur."

"Hello." Xu Ziyue stretched out his hand with a smile, a little anticipation in his eyes.

Abdullah paused, his eyes glanced over Qinger's face again, and seeing her seem to be happy, his eyes dimmed for a moment.

It seems that he made a certain determination, he reached out and shook Xu Ziyue: "Hello, then trouble you."

He smiled slightly and handed her the coat in her hand.

Xu Ziyue was flattered. After all, the teenager just ignored those girls and didn't expect him to laugh at her.

She thought as she took over her coat. Did she really guess right? He likes mature women?

"You talk first, I'll be back soon." The smile on Xu Ziyue's face grew brighter, and he took his coat and turned towards the hanger.

A Yao tickled the corner of her lips, revealing a slightly shy smile.

Xu Ziyue didn't turn around, didn't see it, but Qinger saw it clearly.

She was dull for a moment, and the thoughts that came up immediately were the same as Xu Ziyue: Is she always mistaken, A Yao likes older mature girls?

At this moment, A Yao smiled and said: "Sister Qing'er, that... Sister Xu Ziyue, is it single?"

There was another gimmick in Qinger's heart. She froze for a second before reacting, and nodded subconsciously.

She pressed down the bottom of her heart and said calmly, "As far as I know, she is currently single. Do you like her?"

A Yaoluo seems a little embarrassed: "Sister Qing'er didn't let me make more friends?"

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